Post A Scam
Scam: #13186

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/01/2012
  • Severity: 9

Acai Berry False Claims To Scam People On Phone

Las Vegas, Nevada

This is a bunch of BS!! Why is a company like this allowed to keep operating the way they do?

Yes, Las Vegas is full of bogus boiler room operations and in this economy many of them have are capitalizing on the desperation of many unemployed Vegas people to make money but at whose cost, seniors? Consumers?

I have personally spoken with some of the woman telemarketers about this operation and they were very bothered by the fact that this was the way they have to sell it over the phone. They did not want their names mentioned.

Many of the ingredients in the product they sell, “Acai Berry Pure Cleanse” is potentially dangerous and risky for many people who have health conditions to take. The telemarketers for this operation have no background in the health or medical field, unless you consider selling the bogus snake oil called HGH over the phone?

The Acai Berry is a good supplement to take with other vitamins and supplents but it’s not alone going to slow the progression or reverse complications of Diabetes, High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Arthritis, Weight Loss and the many other claims these thieves and liars make. Your Dr. should always be consulted first before taking any
type of supplement.

There is a dangerous amount of Licorice 89 mgs in this product. It’s a known medical fact that even 5mgs of Licorice will raise a person’s blood pressure and they’re lying, misleading and selling this crap to unsuspecting naïve seniors. PREDATORS!!! THIEVES!!! IT’S CRIMINAL!!!!

From what some of the women telemarketers have said, they do not disclose to the buyer on the phone about the“disclaimer on the back of the bottle that reads, “The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease”. If you read the many other complaints you’ll learn that their so called nutritionist named Erin Fisher is nothing but a reloader. They offer no type of refund but yet if you call them to complain she’ll try to sell you more. THIS PLAC E DEFINETLY SOUNDS LIKE A VEGAS SWEAT SHOP THAT PREYS ON UNSUSPECTING


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