Homes.Com / Linda Risden / False Advertising
LINDA K. RISDEN WWW.SoFloridaHOmes.Com claims she has 71 listing on HOMES.COM again more Fraud Statements by Linda Risden, infact she doesn,t even live in South Florida and has no means to service a client, she is attempting to collect buyers leads and pass them on to another Licensed Agent so she can make a commission from 325 miles away, also she listed to be a broker for 31 years, but infact she becme the a broker 2000 and is 12 years and much of that has been in the office, not in sales.and defrauding clients as the broker is not the companies standards or allowed by the Florida Real Estate Commission.
The Husband does not approve of the false statements as to 71 listings of the company that are not the companies listings, they are Ghost properties designed to get phone calls and pass them on to another agent, Linda K. Risden was already sited by the FREC for the very last Ghost writing several years ago and she was forced to remove them from the web site of WWW.SoFloridaHomes.Com , but many of Linda actions do not meet proper standards and the husband has asked to reframe from flase advertising .and even from using the husbands last name after her open Fraud, thief, adultery and bigamy.
This all took place when Linda K. Risden left in the deep of night leaving behind all her personal belongings after she embezzeled close to $100,000.00 from a home owners assoc in deerfiled beach Florida, she abandon her family and home and fled to Live oak Florida after her her daughter Bridget Lynn Massey was arrested for Embezzelment her self, the Daughter pleaded guilty to the Grand Thief of yet another $40,000.00 from another home owners assoc and after her daughter arrest, it was then Linda K. Risden left in the middle of the night in fear of her own arrest after her embezzlement and IRS Fraud and Welfare Fraud
She moves to a small town Live Oak Florida and shacks up with a local red neck named Craig Beaver, a local dump truck driver and they live in his trailer, the boy friend lives under a cloud of shadow after he shoot his last girl friend Dead, they live in the woods along with pigs and chickens in the yard and living on Food Stamps and become a Born Again... and far away from Broward County Florida as she could get.
Linda K. Risden is in fear that when she is removed from the company by her husband for her Fraud and Embezzelment of the couples clients. then she going on and lies to the local police when questioned about her adultery and bigamy as she is still married to her hus band of 26 years.
The Husband has ask his wife Linda K. Risden to step down from the company due to her actions of defraud there clients and for her involvement in her IRS Fraud and Fraud paystubs to obtain a new car after hers was repoed and she had no credit so it was then she falsified IRS W/2s and fraud paystubs to put a car loan in another parties name that never worked for the couples company.
as it is stated Linda lives at 13307 C.R. 252 ..that is 350 miles north of Fort Lauderdale and no way to service any client or client homes, the husband has stopped using the company name until all legal matters and investigations are completed and his divorce is final.
Buyers and Sellers Beware. of