Post A Scam
Scam: #13211

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/06/2012
  • Severity: 7

U.S. Safety, Inc.

Job - management trainee

Santa Clarita, California, 91321

U.S. Safety, Inc. exploits job-seekers by;

1) Placing a bogus ad for “management trainee” on Craigslist
2) Charging $75 background check (bogus)
3) Charging $99 "refundable” deposit for a training kit (bogus)
4) Telling applicants that this is not a sales position
5) Giving trainees a few hours a week training in sales
6) Telling trainees to practice “surveys”
7) Eventually telling trainees to make $2000 in sales
8) Denying graduation & $99 refund without $2000 in sales
9) Working some trainees full-time without pay as "assistant managers”
10) Occasionally graduating a few trainees to continue the same scam

Company has California offices in Santa Clarita, Van Nuys, Hollywood, Ventura, Riverside & San Bernardino. Company has BBB rating of “F”. Complaints can be found on,, & Victims should cancel checks or seek a full refund with the help of the BBB & state attorney general’s office.


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