FORT LAUDERDALE, Florida, 33065
I wanted a divorce...and nothing this point I dont care about her criminal concerns or what actions Broward County Sheriffs department do..or if they drop the cases against her. but here statements as to Not Taking the Home Owners Funds is a total she confessed to me and I reviewed the police report filed by the home owners assoc... and if you look closely you can find the Broward County Police reports, the assoc and 4 of ist board members signed it the thief compaint.
with over 200 douments to back up her actions and thief the court will see her lies and scam on the tax payers of live oak and suwannee county
As to statements made by my Strange Wife Linda K. Risden and her reasoning to move to the sticks in north florida all to avoid her concerns about our clients funds that went missing under management and her admission of taking of those funds was the grounds I asked for a simple divorce...and she was not until I asked her to step down from the company as the broker and then relized she would o longer have her hands on peoles check books she changed her mind, several days later her daughter from her first marriage was arrested on the very same charges of grand Thief for embezzeling also from another home owners group.
At that point I was so ashamed of our company and why my wife would risk our future and company name over a few dollars when we gross over $250k per year. the whole matter is to strange and why would she risk her licenses and steal from people any way.
She doesnt grasp the big picture...and compounded by her need to have the better things in life that she always had with me her husband and nice holiday vactions and several throw it all away over a few dollars and have to look over her shoulder and worry and now she lives in the woods in the middle of no- ware in a trailer with pigs and chicken and lives on food stamps and collects money from renters in our home in coral springs that is in foreclosure and that money will be gone soon as the home will be sold on the court house steps.
The worst issue of her thief and destuction of our company and income is Our Daughter has been forced to finish her college thu the military and in harms way, I pray for my daughter and her saftey every night...and ask why a mother would do such a thing to her own child...but it she did the same thing to her oldest daughter too..up and left the daughter and warehoused her her grand mother to live with another man...her oldest daughter hates her mother and at times it get ugly between them..she did the same to her sister and mother..
Comments made buy my wife are self serving and she refuses to admit to her crimes, as she point her finger at all others she thinks her guilt will go away..but it must have been bad enough in her mind to run and hide and leave all her family leave a country club live in a trailer in the marry a man she just meet and would give her a roof and a place to live and lives on food stamps...regraudless of her family she left behind as she eaks out life in the hill-billys trailer.
If I was really concerned about money I would have had her tied up in court in south florida months ago..but because I care for welfare and health...I choose not to go after half of what little she takes in to support her...and her loser boy-friend as she has reached an age that require much more care
There has been a lot of fall out for she left behind so many damaged and so much debt...well over a million dollars.and climbing.