BROWARD COUNTY, Florida, 33065
I have asked my partner and Best Image to take the site Off Line until matter between my partner and I settle missing client funds take by my partner, I also asked the company name no long be used until we resolve matters with our past clients, But my partner whom also is my wife .Move Our Company with out stock-holder approval as she went missing.
I would be happy to post my ownership of the company on line and the Chain of the corperation and the fund and money trail to build the company...I save it for Court and the 200 pages of documents of her IRS Fraud..and Ceck Fraud..False records to obtain a car loan...lying to the Sheriffs department and the Clerk of Courts..every dog has her day.. the jury wont like what the see with her...and the Hill Billy boy friend and there marriage tattos there nothing like "Show and Tell " and my family witness from the diner party where she showed up and annocened there New Marriage..and show off the wedding tatttos..because he has no job and is to Cheap... and claims he Brands His Woman ..like his does his Cattle....the Problems is... He doesnt have any Catlle...just a trailer in the woods..that lucky girl.. Hope she is Safer that his last girlfriend...she no longer with us...
The company stock charter of ( Florida Five Star Realty ) states that the company would remain in South Florida as agreed between in writing by both partners, but when my partner flead to Live oak Florida...she moved the companies business address to Live Oak Florida after her admitting to the embezzelment.
I have no idea why my partner for "one minute " thinks she could or operate a south florida real estate company from 350 miles north....other than I asked her to step down as the broker of our company due to her actions and missing clients funds and refram from any contact with checking , business or client funds in any way....and she agreed ...but ..but fled south florida, her statement that she enjoys traveling and ilves in both places anything but true.. along with her claim to being a top rated Realtor..Broker.. or a Milti Million Dollar Producer.. save it...
I ask the Our Web Site and business reframe from any business until our clients funds were retored..as she has destroyed my good name..and my company name..even tho she claims to have married another man in Live Oak Florida...But she still wants to use my Sir Name ( Risden ) instead of Mrs Linda Beaver like tthe Hick she married and she supports.
There more things important in life than ..Money.. and her discission to take other funds..clients thant trusted our company since 1988 ..it is for these reasons I ask the company and company web site be shut down... as to My Still Legally Marrired Wife as she lives with her hill billy husband...I dont really care.. as her nicee said...she made her bed Soooo sleep in it...
Do the right thing in life and you dont have to look over your sholder in life.. since 2008 and the facts and her admission of thaking th funds and the audits done in my office in font of me.. top with her statements of admission...it was simple....return the clients money...no matter how long it takes...
I spent over 15 years building a company..putting everything I had into it....for for my families future...and after I became ill with Cancer.. my wife ...started gutting client funds like her own piggy bank. and using the client ATM card to with draw funds as well.
My Wife wants to cover it up...stating the her husband is crazy...the concept is crazy and destorying our $250,000.00 income and life style is crazy...my daughter lossing her means to college ..is crazy...lossing our health insurance all our real estate..our Cars and Credit..and destorying a once great company name...Yep it Crazy...all brough on by greed
so...as she live in the woods...in a trailer..on welfare and food stamps...with her dump-truck driving boy friend...she needs to realize her actions have done.. and after her daughter from her first marriage pled guilty to Felony grand thief from the very same crime for yet another Home Owners assoc...lets get real.. who Crazy..
This Company I Built...I Started....and I Funded...I brought my wife in as a dream...for us..for our family ...for our future...hoping some day my daughter would take over...Yep thats Crazy..