Post A Scam
Scam: #13285

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 04/16/2012
  • Severity: 10

Neil Barker

no one else has an excuse to be scammed by neil barker

Buntingford, HWR

Will one ever meet a man as dishonest? The most compulsive liar and conman you could wish to meet. Having just spoken to another one of his victims, this is posted in the hope that no one else suffers at the hands of Mr Neil Barker who has relieved me and my family members of tens of thousands of pounds on a poker related website scam. Sadly I can conclude he does sleep well at night as he has no feelings for the pain he causes others. Maybe this post will mean other future potential victims can sleep well before he scams you too. I know I will sleep better knowing at least one person can be spared the pain he has caused me and my family.

So who is Mr Neil Barker? Well I have done some checking, contacted others who have also been victims and thank all who have contributed to building up a good picture and there are quite a few. I am personally scarred from this and moving on with my life as to be burned by a low life conman from hard earned retirement savings I could so ill afford to lose, now having to downsize my lifestyle is not a pleasant feeling. I write this to save others the misfortune of dealing with him as for those like me he relieves of retirement cash and others by that and more i.e. reputation by association.

For those who know him or of him the following will reveal him adequately for you. Then if you choose to deal with him, like I sadly did, you have better colour on him. If you still decide to deal, more fool you, he is convincing I will give him that, but now you have this extra information on him it will be much much harder for him to lie and hoodwink you. Also warn others you may have introduced to him as he relies on the cover of these associations to get working on even more victims. So when considering the great opportunity put before whether it be shares in a new big deal worth millions or an introduction he can personally make for you from your new found friend or associate a la Mr Barker, be so so aware. I can assume in reading this you are probably doing an Internet search to see what he is really like before you embark on a very costly association with him. Sadly for me when I did my search a number of years ago, this type of portal did not exist or no one was being kind enough like me to give you some colour to investigate, had they have done so I would have saved myself thousands of pounds, my family especially my wife and relatives a lot of anguish as I hope I am saving you right now.

In the balance of fairness, please please do check out all I have written. If you really check the details rather than accept his lies you will be pleasantly relieved you are not his next victim. If you could also be good enough here to write of your own personal experiences here like me, then you are also helping to stop him in his tracks. All I write here you can verify by simply asking Mr Barker for proof positive and to corroborate all his wild and exaggerated claims. For those of you just about to embark on a business relationship with him I suggest you check it all out, see the proof, see the funds, take references from his bank, ask to see his bank statements and physical proof of all the deals he has done. If he has name dropped, ask for him to arrange a physical chat with these names as he can be very convincing. He is out to scam you as he has dozens of other honest people. Happy to relieve retired people like me of their cash, leave families without income and capital to fuel his greed and I am guessing other vices.

Other things about Mr Neil Barker (Which you should ask for proof of)

1. He is a male, in his mid forties (2012), lives in Herts UK and claims to be a multi-millionaire worth hundreds of millions? Why does he need your money then?
2. Claims to have made his initial millions selling a dot com business in the dot com bubble.
3. Claims to be well connected and to have done business with well known figures and corporations. Has been involved in a number of companies now defunct that never made a profit? Operates now under Lupa Capital but is not on the share register or an officer of company?
4. Exaggerates in all he does. (See above).
5. Has tattoos on his upper arms which he likes to reveal in the summer.
6. Dresses often in tracksuit bottoms, jeans and vests, smokes like a trooper. Depends on the associations he has to vouch for him as being odd but a good businessman when your initial gut feel is that he is dodgy. Got with your gut feel, I wish I had when a long standing friend introduced me and I gave him sadly the benefit of the doubt and was sucked into parting with hard earned cash that he never invested in the business he claimed was worth millions.
7. Sets up businesses usually through front people e.g. Insurance, Bonds, Media, Property, Poker, - invites friends, family and new found associates in to buy shares and options and then lets businesses fold taking your money having never invested nor intended to invest in it. Normally he will post a few web pages to back up his claims as he has an in house person who does this for me. He also so kindly usually guarantees to underwrite your investment as he is such a good guy and likes to do you the favour. (Ask for proof). Has had money out of high net worths, companies, friends, family members, all conned with loads of different stories over many years.
8. Does a number of fee front schemes, promises you a service or product through his extensive contacts e.g. to get you specialist insurance, insurance never materialises and the fees also disappear
9. Is charming all over you when he wants something but is extremely hard to get if he owes you money or if you want proof of activity
10. Often does not appear on the companies he is associated with but uses sadly gullible men to front them on promises of future gains
11. Always promises you he will show you "Actual" proof but never does and depends on you not pushing as he then gets aggressive or is extremely hard to contact to protect his position
12. Quite happily forges and amends emails and documents to convince you he is genuine.
13. Always promises big returns and how he is actually doing you the favour for the £££ you give him.
14. Claims also due to his success to be a Belgium resident for tax purposes.
15. Claims all his money is in offshore trusts but when the chips are down often pleads poverty and does not have a pot to piss in as it is difficult to get to when he has to pay someone.

I hope you find this of use and it spares you being scammed. To all the genuine Neil Barkers' out there Points 1 - 8 limit it down to the one and only whom I wished I had never been inadvertently introduced to by a friend also scammed like me.


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This creep will get his come uppance very soon. They are on the way.....

Watch this space........

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