Marie-Vonne Richardson
scam alert on Marie-Vonne Richardson
Stamford, Connecticut
Out of curiousity I googled my old roommate Marie-Vonne Richardson(AKA Marie Richardson) and I'm surprised to find this listed about her. We were roommates and she also tired to scam me. We lived on East 92nd St. in Manhattan. She used me for money for bills, groceries and clothes. I lent her a cellphone and also lent her son Kuvonne an Ipad and she tried to steal them. I filed a police report and she immediately returned the items but not the borrowed money. I think I know who the guy is she scammed here. I can say that she also told me she's looking for man to hopefully marry her for immigration purposes only. Wow, she scammed that guy and he has cancer? My gosh. Obviously she has made a living doing this to guys. An intestigator from NY state and a detective also called me last month about her. They both said they are investigating her and have been tracking her. I can't believe she did this. If by chance the guy I think I know who she scammed that has cancer(first name begins with "J") reads this, please know I'll do my best to help you recover your items and money. I work in a government agency. Try and contact me as well "J". Marie-Vonne Richardson, you should be ashamed. I treated you like a sister and my daughter adored you but you not only scammed me but this poor cancer victim. I will let the world know. May god have mercy on your soul.