roland reznik
a real live lowlife scum sucker
englewood, New Jersey
wheels and deals and as reported by others buys cars and scams, scams, scams. last I heard this deadbeat moved to Florida I think to save himself from getting his ass kicked. I am amazed that so far someone hasnt broken his neck or had him accidentally swim with the fishes. He acts like a real bigshot but the truth is he is as big a deadbeat as you will ever find. Stay far away from this lowlife, the story about the guy with the mercedes is 100% true, and he has f%*#"d over freinds time and time again. I would love to see this punk catch a beating and see it posted on youtube extremeautogroup is bullshit and he no longer owns shipanycar, by now he is scamming people in florida. Every dog has his day, this fat pudgy fuck will get what he deserves.