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Scam: #13350

Scam Alert


Maryann LaPointe Share

Charles N Mills

Charles N Mills is a Liar, cheat, thief, scam artist, womanizer,& abuser & much more

Clearwater, Florida, 33763

PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THIS MAN, CHARLES .CHARLIE N MIILLS , AGE- AROUND 75 YRS OLD,FROM BALTIMORE MARYLAND, HE WEARS THE MARYLAND SHIRT WHEN HE WORKS OUT.THE JACKET & CLASS RING HE STOLE FROM ONE OF HIS EX GIRLFRIEND'S SON, , THE DATE ON THE RING SAYS 1987, THERE IS NO WAY HE GRADUATED IN THAT YEAR. HE IS A CONNIVING THIEF & WANTS TO MOVE IN WITH WOMEN. He likes to steal, cheat, lie & move into their homes & now move into his.. He is a full fledged con artist & could care less about no one. When I was dating him, He said" The he could not wait until his wife died so he did not have to pay her". and made other mean comments. he looks for money, items, jewelry,purses, whatever he can get. He is a pathological liar & thief. He has many personalities & can be downright nasty, crude & abusive. he has a woman living with him now & I called & warned her......she will eventually find out about who he truly is. He took my louis vuiton purse that was given to me. 7 many items in my home. He does not take any responsibility for anything & likes to cause trouble, he is very very verbally abusive. When I would go to work he would go through my home & take things and say that he bought everything. He is the worse man that I ever dated, narcissist, pathologincal liar, garbage, criminal & preys on women. he wants women to be sorry for him & then he steals & lies to them. He fell in my home & passed out, I called the paramedics & went to the hospital with him, I went to visit him, after he got well in his body not his head (I believe he has a mental issue) he stole from me after I tried to help, i wanted to throw him out & he very much knows squatters rights in florida......Scammers like him know their rights. If you meet him in the beginning you may think that he is a great not be fooled you will very much be scammed in a flash & he could care less. he drives a whiteCadillac suv srx....Stealing & lying is how he gets his money. He also tries to get the woman to say he wants to get married, then go to a brokers offiice & find her monetary value, then he buys a fake ring & puts it on her finger in front of otow dances, then abuses her & lies about it. Most of my belongings are in his home, at the end I went to his home to get my belongings back he pushed me out the door & I hit ther railing & he laughed, what to scumbag, liar, conniving the way, he does not look anyone in the eyes & wears sunglasses in and out of the sun.......he tries to hide everything....he is not faithfule or caring or considerate of anyone, he just wants, wants & wants more.


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this category is difinitely a ....10, please correct............thanks
Who Scammed You Commenter
This low life piece of crap is a CONTROL FREAK & TAKES ADVANTAGE OF ANYONE HE CAN SCAM......this family has some mental problems & scammers.
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