Post A Scam
Scam: #13365

Scam Alert



Craig Bullock

Nigeria Love Scamer

Independence, Ohio

He aproches victum on internet Hi beautiful. After chating for week he has to travle for buissnes. He is a bridge ingineer and needs to travle to Nigeria where I belive he realy lives....The scamer could very well be using someone elses identity...So he just added identity theft to his list of illegal sick accomplichments....He travels to Nigeria and while thaer he pics up inheritance in UK now he is haveing trouble getting it out because the carge ofr everything and it is costing him so much. He has no family being a orpahan raised by a aunt. He starts asking for help. He does sound conbincing.....If you have trouble or helth issues he shows not sympathy. This is a real good tip you have snaged a BLOOD SUCKING SCAMER..... They are self centered oh me my problems are bigger than yours.....Finding scamers is like fishing. Baite them. It they are real they will have compassion and back off....If they aren't they will push LIKE A DIRTY USED CAR SALES MAN to get you to do what they want you to.

I met this guy on facebook....facebook is becoming infested with them....Oldre Christian Ladys be carful....

Scam Images

Nigeria Love Scamer Nigeria Love Scamer Nigeria Love Scamer Nigeria Love Scamer


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