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Scam: #13380

Scam Alert



Brad Nolan

Internet Dating=Befriending= taking money

Kentucky, NSW

I was approached via an internet dating site by Brad Nolan. Immediately requested that we chat on Yahoo IM. Exchanged chat and emails. Being 'God Fearing' was written in his profile and he seemed to have strong religious beliefs about how others should be treated! Used 'SMILES' a lot in his chatting - as in the written word as I have just shown it. Within 2 weeks, told me he had fallen deeply in love with me and was going to Nigeria to undertake work for the DFID (Dept for International Development). Claimed to be in charge of managing a 'mobilisation' project over there. Sent me what I now know to be a scam template of a 'love letter'. Last night told me that he had been attacked by armed men on return from his field activities, to his hotel room. Subsequently all valuables had been taken. Said he wanted to come to England to visit but needed financial assistance in the short term. When asked what that meant, he told me that he needed £950 which he would immediately pay back via cashing his travellers cheques on arrival in the UK. I told him I coud not lend him any money. He has asked that I ask a friend to help out. This morning, I sensed that something was going on and have realised that it is a scam. He is blissfully unaware of this at the moment and I am expecting him to be in touch this evening, no doubt looking for me to pay him some money. If I can help to catch this con man, that would be great. It's not just the money but the way he preys on his victims potential vulnerability.

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Internet Dating=Befriending= taking money Internet Dating=Befriending= taking money Internet Dating=Befriending= taking money


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Been in contact with him since March using name Alvin bean he took me for a lot of money and I did report it to the ICP3 .. I had no idea someone could be so cruel and then I saw him on another dating site today going by Tommy48 but I had his profile removed, He needs to go to jail for a very long time. I found 13 aliases and 13 email addresses he has used in the last 8 months. I consider him a dangerous person and very cruel since I am diabled

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