Arthur Turple
Wood Doctor International Ponzi
Truro, NS , B2n 3h9
Authored by: babsey on Thursday, April 12 2012 @ 09:12 PM COT
Quintin Sponagle will someday be found, count on it! But, some of his ex con men still live in Nova Scotia scott free! One ex-pastor, Norman Stevens and Arthur Turple was a scumbag too. They were part of Sponagles ponzi scheme that bilked tens of thousands out of Church folk. Price WaterHouseCooper has settled most of the claims because the dirt bag Stevens and his brother, little Bobbie, rolled over for the authorities once the jig was up. Still, justice will hopefully find these two con brothers behind bars with their leader, Sponagle, someday too! . Hey,Arthur and pastor Norman Stevens,the tax evasions will come back to haunt you! Just a matter of time. Legally,this is not over yet folks