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Scam: #13396

Scam Alert


Maryann LaPointe Share

Paul J LaPointe


Middleboro, Massachusetts

Paul J LaPointe is a scammer, liar,cheat, thief, gold digger,con artist, scammer,all for himself,verbal abusive, greedy for money, & gets hurt on the job? money? He gets hurt at a company then he claims injury. He has a motive all the time.He is a total fake,took drugs, sniffed glue,lighter fluid,,pot & whatever he could get from anyone. He never wanted to help his sister, but she helped him when he broke his back & he did not even thank her for it, he constantly lied to her & now that he has money he is greedy conniving parasite who just gave her lots of grief & misery. She went to MA to vusit him years ago & she & her husband back then paid for the bill for all the people that were there 8-10. He never cared about her as she was the outcast due to my mother & father only wanted a boy,no girls. He takes from anyone he can & has mental issues from the drugs. He did nor does not have any communication with his sister as he does not need her anymore. He treats prople like trash & throws them away. His ex wife is no better either, they are all from the same mold. He meets & throws people away like they are rotten meat. He is also a narcissist & not trust him or be around him.....His motto is Oh" I'm going to be a multi millionaire & throws that in peoples faces, oh ' I have a $300 thousand dollar home, or I have a motorcycle, i have a new car, I have this, i have that ya ya ya yas, complain all the time about him not anyone else. Please keep away from this disgusting person, he will be no good for anyone. When he dies he can go straight to hell by himself as he is the devils advocate......I will throw out the garbage..


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