Post A Scam
Scam: #13408

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/09/2012
  • Severity: 5

Chris Derham/Chris Devereux

The devil himself.

London, LCN

This man is disgusting. If he does not give you the creeps the first time you meet him you have something wrong with you. He owes plenty of people money, he steals money to fund his habits and has a veneer of being a rich and powerful business man. He is not. He is anything but. He does not know the first thing about business or how to run a business...he does however know how to ruin businesses and peoples lives. His daughters and side kicks are all involved and he uses people (who are legitimate and credible) to prop himself up as a reputable man. Other individuals to watch out for are Nigel Fudd, Peter Yeldon, Middleton, Griffiths, Easter and Chris's two daughters Nina and Gemma who I am led to believe are all involved with him and his scams knowingly. These people are utter cunts, they ruin peoples lives and their families in pursuit of money and power, they have absolutely no idea about business. The ground needs to open up and swallow these people.

STAY RIGHT AWAY FROM THESE PEOPLE PLEASE!... I am trying to find a picture, which I will have soon enough, you can run and lie and promise people Chris, but you cannot hide...I have reported this to the FSA and Economic Crime Unit, enjoy prison you prick.


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Can you describe Chris Devereux physically please?
He used to have long white hair tied up in a pony tail - he was known as the white wizard. he then had his hair cut - as I guess everyone recognised him. he is very softly spoken and can talk his way out of anything, if you have given this man your money you can be guaranteed of never having it returned. the bogus business he gets involved with are just that - not real - or he claims to know wealthy egyptions and arabs that will invest in you or your business. reality is, he will keep the money for himself. he operates with his daughters as cover ups, gemma derham and nina guidice aqnd husband aaron guidice who he hides behind and uses their bank accounts to get your hard earned money deposited into. if you have concerns about this man, then that speaks volumes, stay away

I have only met this man once but have had colleagues which have dealt with his scams. Any further information on this man/appearance/mannerisms (to make sure its the same man) would be great. Did this man say he had a sick daughter when you dealt with him? If it is possible and you would like to discuss this further please contact me.

Many thanks.
To whom it may concern,

If anyone is able to ID and/or make a statement against Chris Devereux (Dereham, Durham, Derham, Devreux) please contact me ASAP at:

I have pictures and I have location, please contact me. Location of both daughters, Gemma Derham is now Gemma Middleton. Let's bring these guys to justice
I have pictures and I have location, please contact me. Location of both daughters, Gemma Derham is now Gemma Middleton. Let's bring these guys to justice
I have pictures and I have location, please contact me. Location of both daughters, Gemma Derham is now Gemma Middleton. Let's bring these guys to justice
how do we get in touch????? you must post an address
See scam 13673 for picture
Chris Derhams daughter has cancer at least twice a year, shes always sick and plays on this...she did it with all my friends and family, and then the doctor told me she had nothing wrong with her. Chris himself is now running around saying he has terminal cancer. Very sick induvidals you can contact me at any point via email I know where Chris is, and his daughters who are very well versed in the art of scamming people. I want them brought to justice and I will move heaven and earth to make that happen, people there are two young boys stuck with a cocaine addict, why on earth ain't something being done?
Seeking information Regarding Gemma Derham/Kelly/Middleton/Rose
Very important for a pending court case. Would love to be in contact with Brian Kelly or Helen and her brother. You guys know who you are. Please write down
In an email your experiences with Gemma, this is highly important and will hopefully stop her in her tracks, I'm also interested in any information regarding her family members. This is also important, so any of you guys with information about them please email all details to all emails will then be passed on to a solicitors

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