LIVE OAK FLORIDA 32060, Florida, 32060
Statements made by my wife as to her statements that she ( did not embezzel ) is a lie... funds from our clients thu our company FLORIDA FIVE STAR REALTY inc. is a Total lie.
My wife is trying to hold on to my company...because she will never have another chance to own another that she is over $750,000.00 in debt and an SBA Loan of over $100,000.00 that will never go away and is not dischargeable.
there is nothing in this statement that is not true...court records will show along with over 200 documents of my wife fraud,,,I spent over 15 years building an honest and great company name....and after I became sick from Cancer in 2007 and I was absent from my company due to treatment ..and like they say when the cat away..the Rats will Play ..or gut your company and your clients
I am made as hell for her thief from our clients....she told me she would repay the money she took...then she Fleas town...and shacks up with a hill-billy in Live Oak Florida that will give her a roof to live under... and about a month later, I get a call from " Our only Daughter from our marrage " my Daughter tells me over the phone....that my wife...her mother ...has married another man known as ( Craig Marvin Beaver ) and they reside at 13307 C.R 252 in Live Oak Florida and later my family members are told the marriage took place in a Plywood Shack they call the ( Big Oak Bar ) in Live Oak Florida ... owned by (Craig M Beavers ) sister inlaw next to the junk yard he works. what is realy Funny is...she Married Mr Beaver...but she wont take his late name ( Linda K. Beaver ) has a nice ring to it... ( the story is a best sellers) ( The Little Town of Bigamy and Adulty ).
not only did my wife LINDA K. RISDEN confess to me that she embezzeled over $87,000.00 from clients known as WIND CAST ARMS HOA. in Deer Field Beach Florida.
she even ran up 6 of the Home Owners credit cards that my wife opened in the Home Owners Assoc namw with out there knowlege and then runs up the cards and bankrupts the home owners assoc, this is a client our company handle since 1988. My wife set in front of me in our office and confessed and we were notified of the missing money buy Wind Cast Arms Accounting firm and it was then when I confronted my wife the she broken down and started crying and conessed. it was then she pulled out a hidden file from the back of her file cabinet and show me dozen of checkes for thousands of dollars...shocking me..after being married to my wife for our 23 years. Broward County Police Report filed by the Home Owners Assoc.
Do You Thing they filed the report for no reason....and those 88 home owners are not the only clients she defrauded... That is Just The Beginning for My Wife... She also collected rents from owners properties in the amount of over $5800.00 of just One Client...and when she went missing...our business phone started ringing with home owners and investors looking for there money...and I have no problem posting those police reports.....and her her Daughter ( Bridget Lynn Massey ) acted as a book-keeper covering up the best she could for years....and Her Daughter was Also Found Guilty of Felony Grand Thief in Broward County as she Pled Guilty...the Daughter also help her mother Defraud the IRS and claiming income of a Ghost employee so Linda K. Risden could obtain a Car Loan at Lipton Toyota in fort lauderdale...the same White Dodge Nitro she drive today...and it sets in front of her New Trailer in Live Oak Florida @ 13307 County Road 252... my wife and her daughter went as far as to write Fraud Business Checks from our company stating the employee made over $37,000.00 the problem is...there was never any such employee and all our sales people are Comissioned..and the employee turned out to be working at another business as IRS records show..
AS to My wifes statement of ( Mental Illness ) what a joke ..and a nice cover up that makes for her.... but we have over 200 documents showing her crimes, Police Reports, Credit Card aplication with her signutres on them, Fraud IRS W/2 forms and matter Pay-stubs to support the Fraud income for the Card loan with World Omni Financing, All nin her hand writting and prepared by her Daughter.the same daughter that was sentenced to 10 years her her crimes and agreed to repay over $40,000.00 to another HOA and her account license has been revoked mother Daughter...dont worry her daughter off set her income by seller her perscrption medications that she and her boy-friend doctor shop each month...
I am... very upset about what she did to our Clients, our Business, destorying our income, and to top it off ....after Linda K. Risden thu our business Florida Five Star Realty inc.. after she was fired for the missing funds...she was Fired from 2 more Home Owners Assoc that were next door to the other HOA once the they found out about the missing money from the Board of directors.
Shortly after my wife confessed to me of embezzeling the HOA funds, She Fled and disapeared for several weeks and then months....she refused to come back to Fort Lauderdale Florida because after her daughter arrest for for Felony Grand Thief my wife was most likely thinking her daughter was going to Rat her out and so she fled.
I dont care about her poor decissions..or thief or crimes...but I will defend my name and my honor...she is a thief...and I want nothing to do with her actions...she made her bed..and it will follow her for the rest of her life, I have ask my wife to stop using my last since her embezzelment and her crimes...but she want to be mrs Risden, but not much longer...I promise you that...
The day will come in court...and all the documents will be show before the court...along with her fraud statements while under oath...her and her Hill-Billy Boy-Friend ..she is so stupid she even states in court filing that she is living with the boy friend and even states her boy friends business location...along the the Hill-Billy wedding tattoos on the fingers that look like they did it them self while drunk.
if she was not the daughter of my daughter she would already be serving time in jail for federal IRS charges...along with many ..many ..other crimes... Crazy..Now that Crazy.