Post A Scam
Scam: #13446

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/16/2012
  • Severity: 10

Link K Schwartz

Legal Extortion

Century City, California, 90067

Link K Schwartz andher lacky Iyesha Sands are running a legalized extortion ring defrauding their clients and the court systems while lining their own pockets to live extravagant lifestyles. The con is simple yet very effective. They work to collude with opposing attorneys to drive up expenses conspiring to file needless motions and siphioning off monies supposedly spent on expert witnesses. I thought I was alone but a quick google search shows that this is pretty much standard operating procedure for her. I have also found other family law attorneys that have seen first hand how she takes advantage of her clients. If you are looking for a family law or divorce attorney, do not fall victim to these con artists.

Law Offices of Link K. Schwartz
Beverly Hills Family Law
Century City Family Law
Los Angeles Divorce Attorney
Child Custody Attorney
Criminal Enterprise


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This FALSE POSTING is made by a DEADBEAT DAD who was NEVER MY CLIENT. He represented himself in court and repeatedly lost, including the court Ordering Monetary Sanctions Against Him because he was hiding his assets and income. The court also ORDERED HIM TO PAY MY CLIENT'S ATTORNEY'S FEES. After that he posted several FALSE REPORTS against me on different consumer websites, and he continues to do so to get revenge. HE WAS NEVER MY CLIENT. He is a liar and a thief and he continues to attempt to discredit my office.
THERE IS NOT ONE TRUTH TO HIS DEFAMATORY AND MALICIOUS POSTINGS. He knows my assistant's name because she has had to deal with him regarding pleadings and correspondence. If anything this vindictive coward said about my office and our legal services was true, he would have filed a Complaint with the State Bar, who would have conducted an investigation. He obviously cannot do that since he was NEVER MY CLIENT.
I work very hard for ALL OF MY CLIENTS to achieve their goals, and get them through their difficult situations swiftly and as economically practical as possible.
It is absolutely disgraceful that this DEADBEAT DAD attempts to destroy my good reputation that I have worked so hard to achieve for over 20 years. Consider the source of this posting and please do not believe one word of it, as it is completely FALSE AND OUTRAGEOUS.
Everyone who has ever worked alongside Link, or worked for her, or opposed her in court, knows that she is the real deal. She is smart, tenacious, a zealous advocate for her clients, and truly honest and trustworthy.

I have known Link for at least 14 years, and I know of her work. She cares deeply for all of her clients, and she works 24/7 for them.

Her dedication to the law and to her clients is unmatched. Truly, I have never seen anyone worry about her clients and care for them as she does.

The two posts sound like the same disgruntled person who has posted the original rant, in disguise. NO SUCH THING EVER HAPPENED, I AM SURE OF IT.

He is not describing Link Schwartz – she is the antithesis of these two posts.

  • Submitted: 08/13/2012
Anyone who knows Link Schwartz knows that the person who wrote this is the SCAM!! EVERY accusation is furthest from the truth and the total opposite, hence why Mr. Anonymous and mad wrote it in the 1st're not a client YOU LOST IN COURT.

Mr. Anonymous who is not even man enough to openly print his name is upset that he could no longer go on not taking responsibility for his child....bottom line...whats the extortion? Sanctions? CHILD SUPPORT? NOT FRAUD, ORDERS FROM THE COURT, the same court he's been ducking and dodging for years. The real FRAUD is on HIS PART. He's a FRAUD as a father and FRAUD OF A MAN. If there were any truth to the post he'd MAN UP AN PUT HIS NAME ON HIS POSTING WHILE HE'S NAME DROPPING OTHERS. The only reason a google search will turn up other postings is because HE'S THE ONE POSTING THEM.

Instead of spreading lies he needs to grow up, MAN UP, pay child support and get his angry bitter self off the net....he obviously has nothing better to do an too much time on his fingertips....JOKE.
  • akane
  • Submitted: 08/14/2012
Link is the finest attorney I have ever met. She is highly respected, knowledgeable and very compassionate in dealing with these tough issues. She is well respected by her colleagues, her staff and her clients. Anyone who says anything negative about Link clearly does not know her. Her good reputation precedes her. She is phenomenal at what she does. She does it better than all the others. After spending many years in court listening to cases, I can honestly say without a shadow of a doubt that Link is phenomenal and she fights fair for her clients best interests. I would 100% recommend Link all day long, everyday to my closest family and friends.

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