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Scam: #13449

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/17/2012
  • Severity: 10




I have to laugh when LINDA K. RISDEN claims to the be the owner of as she is a wizard of fraud, she ownes 50% of the web site ....but that not the issues..the real problem is she Embezzel over $90,000.00 from our clients...and the audit shows it...but My Wife..Linda K. Risden Admittedto me in our office that "she did Embezzel the funds" and then after her Dauhter was arrested also for Embezzelment My Wife Fled to Live oak Florida...and then " Married an man Craig M Beaver..

.the problem is we ware "Still Married" can you say Bigamy..the facts dont lie but she does...and she thinks she can steal from others and its O.K. ..But her daughter found out..after she plead Guilty to Grand Thief and Linda K. Risden knows it just a matter of time for fare as the DBPR Complaint on me ...I would Love It...a hearing ..and me show up with 3 boxes of documentof her crimes...of Embezzelment from 88 home owners, and IRS Fraud and Pay-stub Fraud to obtain a car loan at Lipton Toyota and thru World Omni Finance, and lets not forget her Credit Card Fraud and mis-using Investor rent income...and it goes on and on and do I need to add her Adultery and Bigamy as a married woman as we are to date...

Show and Tell is coming" and all the documents will be before the courts and the judge, jury and all the people in the little town she is hiding in Live Oak Florida @ 13307 County Road Suwannee County Florida..

.look it up in the suwannee county tax appraisers site..and you will see the name ( Craig Marvin Beaver as the owner...also has My Wifes new Illegal Husband...and believe me I dont care...but it proves a point as to the facts....and also Mr Beaver shot his last girl friend dead... you know how it is in the sticks...the funnest part is the Newly wedds could not afford wedding rings so the Tattooed the wedding rings like something out of a biker gang.
these are facts..

.I dont lie about people...or over state the Facts..any time any place and any court room and I will bring the documents she left behind in our to the DBPR ...I hope that comes true....please make it happen and you in a evidence hearing...with all the documents I have...and Her License is GONE...just like her daughter from her first marriage...her license was Yanked...and she will never get it back...Mom is fact that would be one stupid move on her part...and save me a lot of trouble...and Linda Dont forget and our stock ownership by two wittnessed parties...My mistake was trusting my Wife...and anybody can see why...

wittnes ... would you like me to post it.....just to show again what a lier you are...go back to your Hill-Billie Junk Yard Boy-Friend...and live in your Trailer in the woods...with you pigs and chickens and bounce from Bar to Bar... there are No lies told about you...the picture posted of your Wedding Tatto that a Lie also...Grow Up and face your Grand Thief, like your Daughter...I have never taken any thing from anybody...and I wont be a part of your embezzelment and crimes...and did your foreget about the affidvit your signed stated I had Nothing to do with your crime...would you like me to post the documents...

it will take Me a full day of testimony just to tell your story and show all the documents befoe the Will Happen..and the truth will be varified..and your Lies will come to the surface..

well I dont see any need to post documents because I know the truth..Bridget Massey your daughter has always been a thief and a crack head...and now with Her...license revoked...she sells her pain medications as she doctor shops...and she almost got our daughter in trouble for filing Fraud IRS documents...when I found out...I made Our Daughter return the our daughter knew what she was talked into was Wrong...You Made Your bed ..So Sleep in it with your Hill-Billie boy friend...that god your mother is no longer her to see what you have become...any statement you claim that you did not do...wait until the court will is the documents Over and Over.. along with your Hill-Billie Wedding before the court...
what Pisses me off is Not that you married the Hick...while we are still married...but you refuse to us his name...and you still want to be " Linda Risden " and my Florida Five Star Realty...that was Risden Five Star Realty..first..and I changed the name for a Better sellable brand your shit... you dont have an Idea in the whole brain...your last husband treated you like a paid toy..and nothing else...and you are affraid that when are No Longer Linda K. Risden your career is over...that sounds about right.

If you were any kind of would have gottena Divorce...instead of acting like Trailer on Food Stamps and by the grace of God the $1700.00 per month from our rental home...well that is coming to an end this month..the house is being sold in a short sale... So Save actions have Recked Our Lives and My reputation...

do your self a Favor "Dont contest the makes it worse for you...

If you would of just got a divorce... and changed your name.and repaid the money you could sleep at night...and how does a cathloic become a Born Again baptist...wheres the pope when you need him..

P.S. are your still driving the white Dodge Nitro that is Not even in your own name, the one you Scamed with your Fraud W/2s abd Fraud Paystubs.

Put some more Ink in your Printing Press.


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Martin Todd Risden stop your rambling on lies that have no merit. Instead why don't you follow thru and give me a divorce like you state. It appears that even under your Conditional Court Release" Suwannee Case #10-000388-CF-(A) you are still drinking heavily as witnessed and driving which is a horrible thought considering your 2 DUI's - I pray you will not kill anyone. Palm Beach Case# 50-2010-CT-032726 and 50-2012-CT-000034.
FYI - I have not married anyone, have no charges against me for anything, have a valid car loan, and pay my bills. The only problem are those that you left me with, ie opening up credit cards in my name and our daughters fraudently and vehicle tags stolen from me and used on your car which a police report was filed on. Further I ashamed of you for treating your daughter who is currently in the Army. What father tells their daughter he wished he never had her, that he never wants to see or talk to her again, disgraces her with talk that she should not be in the Army etc. all during your drunken binges. Then call her a few days later like everything is alright. She has enough on her plate right now with possibly deployment and it is cruel for you to add to her worries. If you can't speak to her as a normal father would then leave her alone. The diagnosis as proven in the Case #'s above that you are mentally ill is accurate. I am pleased to see that the Courts agree with me that you need to be institutionalized.

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