Post A Scam
Scam: #13482

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/24/2012
  • Severity: 5


Fradulant Money Orders

I received an email from Lizy Allen who claimed to work for one Mag Modeling and wantind to order products. She gave me a list and I sent her a total. I luckly researched and found out the modeling agency is real but she is not. Claimed to be a manager there. Over the course of a few weeks she emailed that payment had been shipped but that a mistake had happened. She sent the emails from several different email acct. I had already told her that I was not ordering the products and would not cash the checks. She kept telling me she was a good person and so on. The other day I received an email instructing me to hurry to the bank with the MO's I was receiving and then wire her the money left over. I was to send it to a a Tonya McDaniels in Hixson, TN then the next day after I sent her an emailing telling her that I was going to report this to the authorities she sends another email instructing me to send the money to a James Hoyt in Sedro Woolley Washington. I did in fact receive 2 money orders today both for $950 apiece from a Nicole Houghton but the mailing label had a Mary Johnson on it. The heat sensitive "stop sign" on the front of the MO did not heat up nor did the MoneyGram symbol appear when held at an angle. I am takign these to the bank manager and filing a report with the authorities including the FBI.


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