Post A Scam
Scam: #13511

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/28/2012
  • Severity: 10

Pulse Finance


Romsey, GDD

Pulse are a factoring company that pays a percentage of your invoice's you raise before the money you are owed is actually paid to help with cashflow problems.

They have ruined a perfect family business and left the owners with nothing and have taken every last bit of money they could have. After lieing there way into the business, people started to realise things were not right, and when the company started to disown the contract they were under with Pulse, Pulse soon got a Insolvancy company in to take the business down!!! Peoples lifes are ruined not only the family, but the close people that worked within the business.Family members now have no jobs and no business, the close friends within the business are also left with nothing; no wages are going to be paid NOTHING! One day everything is okay and the next it was gone! I FEEL SORRY FOR PULSE WHO THINK ITS ACCEPTABLE TO DO THIS TO GOOD PEOPLE WHO ALL THEY WANTED WAS SOME HELP TO MAKE THE BUSINESS WORK!!

Dont trust Pulse, dont go to them for help! this is not the first time they have done it, i have heard about them doing this a few times. Pulse will take everything they can and leave you and your employee's with nothing.


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someone has to do something about this

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