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Scam: #13515

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 05/28/2012
  • Severity: 10



LIVE OAK, Florida, 32060

Linda Risden states She has a Legal Car Loan...does she mean the white Dodge Nitro she is driving ..with the Fraud W/2s and Matching Fraud pay checks to obtain the truck loan at Lipton Toytoa in Fort Lauderdale...she obtained in another persons name....

And as to her Embezzelment from the HOA Assoc of over $87,000.00 and the 6 Credit Cards of that HOA with out their knowing or Manybe the $1700.00 dollar I had to pay out of my pocket to our client Bill.S. because you collected his rental money and spent and call our office looking for 3 months later....or the Other $4500.00 you Embezzelment after you collected other rents....and came to me crying because the client wanted his money and called our office over and over...

And why was she fired from the other two home owners Assoc on Crstal Lake Drive in Deerfield Beach Florida...he,s why..they heard about the missing money from Wind Cast Arms.Assoc. And when I went over the home owner assoc audit od missing funds..Why Did my still married wife todate (Linda Risden ) Confess to me that she did Embezzel the funds...but she only claimed to have taken $37,000.00 at the time... It was later found out that th total was around $87,000.00 and another $9,000.00 thru credit cards and an ATM card that belonged to the Home Owners Assoc.

After Linda K. Risden found out that her daughter ( Bridget Lynn Massey ) was arrested for Felony Grand Thief of Yet another HOA Assoc of over $40k ...My Wife ..still my Wife..
Fled South Florida in fear of her own arrest. as she later told me over the phone and she was not coming back fearing her arrest..... this how the Dodge Nitro purchase came about
Linda K. Risden had fled in about Nov a Rental Car...Why...because her 2007 Blue 350-Z was repoed for non payment.. so she had No Car... in about ..March of 2009 after a Triple Closing Deal by her husband for about $20,000.00 ...Linda K. Risden slipped back into town...Broke..after she had Married thru Bigamy...Carig Marvin Beaver... How do I know this...Well this is how Stupid a person can be...My Still Married Wife Linda K. up at a dinner party at (Her Husbands Sisiters Home ) ..and present is Mr Risdens Two Sisiters and husdand and the others boy-friend..named butch...My Still Married Wife tells the dinner part...she shows up with Craig Marvin Beaver theNew Bigamist Husband show off the New Wedding Tattos.....( AS SHOWN BELOW ) and they state they have Married....a couple of days later...Mr Risdens Daughter calls her father and tell Dad." He Better Sit Down " why I say...the daughter tell Mrs Risden that her mother called her and stated ( she had Re-Married ) a guy who works in a Junk Yard ... so my daughter started refering to this Hick / Husband as "Junk Yard"....and the name stuck.

About July 22nd or their about Mr Risden tired of dealing with the mess of his wifes Grand Thief and her Check fraud, filed a complaint with ( Suwannee County Sheriffs Office ) as is on record...and I will post it also ... a complaint for ( Bigamy and Adultery )..the Officer goes to the run down Trailer located in the woods in Live Oak Florida at 13307 County Road 252 owned by the late wife of Mr Beaver ???? there is Mrs Linda K. Risden living with Mr Craig M. Beaver and the officer finds them both there together ...these are the FACTS.. Look Carefully at her Wedding Tattoo Below and you will see ( C B ) on her finger..thats for ( Craig Beaver ) it will be funny as hell in Court...Linda Risden cant run from the facts....or her Grand Thief....and why did Linda K. Risden kick our Daughter out our Coral Springs County Club home while she was going to college .... Heres Why..Mr Beaver works for his brother in a Junk Yard....he lives on welfare...they rasie hogs...she need the rental income to support her new Bigamist Husband.....Yes there will be a Cheap paper back Book about this story ( The Little Town of Bigamy & Adultery ) ..she made her bed..and she sleeps in it... SEE THE PICs BELOW

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