Post A Scam
Scam: #13584

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 06/09/2012
  • Severity: 10

Christopher Bathum

Drug Rehabilitation Scam

Los Angeles / Malibu, California

Stay away from Couds Rest Recovery in Malibu California!

There have been a string of rehabilitation centers infiltrated and or started by a gentleman named Christopher Bathum in Los Angeles and Mailbu Counties.

Do NOT place your friends, family or those you love under this persons care.

He has been accused of many criminal acts including insurance fraud, perjury, and has on many occasion been reported deducting unapproved funds from residents personal and families credit cards. He is involved in many lawsuits at this time. Check with the courts to validate this claim.

The rehabilitation business as a whole is fairly primitive and does not have the oversight necessary to stop certain predatory energies from praying on the ill.

Mr. Bathum operates under a cloak offering the lowest priced rehabilitation services available and then after contracts are signed he embezzles, lies and cheats his clientele out of every penny he can to meet overhead he cannot afford hurting all involved and creating a cycle of illness that is non-repairable.

I do believe that he is truly a very sick person and operates under the belief that he is helping in some way.

It is important that the state and other authorities stop this person from functioning in the recovery community here and abroad.

Scam Images

Drug Rehabilitation Scam Drug Rehabilitation Scam Drug Rehabilitation Scam


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look at the timing of this posting, 2 minutes from the last.

This is one man Tom Hedlund, who lives at the Four Seasons Puerto Vallarta Mexico and who has been trying to extort us illegally for $4500. He actually offered by email to "go away"for that amount.

He actually also tried to get others to participate in his scheme and one of those persons sent me a bulk email he had sent them.

If they put their names to their claims then then the law can help us all see clear on this matter. We would welcome this of course. Transparency is important to good recovery:

We are published in addiction treatment, both with 2 books and papers you can read online click here
to see one and Here
to see another book, out for several years.

• Click here to read a paper we published on the role of complexity science in addiction
• We have dozens of clients ready to give any client a great testimonial regarding our work, our commitment and the legitimacy of our program.
• We have “those you would know” testimonial and also video of our work in progress and you can see those click here to see Here

In the end we have to rely on your good judgment and let go of the decision to you.

This is where “the courage to change the things we can” is on you, and “the wisdom to know the difference” is on us.

Our open response in "on us", we feel the need to make sure you have the information.

You need then only to decide with your own eyes and mind.

Recovery is for all of us.
Christopehr Bathum is lying. I know from personal experience. The two books he speaks of are garbage as is he.
oh shut up chris. its over and you know it.

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