Post A Scam
Scam: #13594

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 06/11/2012
  • Severity: 10

Pulse Cashflow

Pulse Cashflow satans followers

Basingstoke, GDD

Pulse cashflow are in league with the devil himself and have no morals!

Not only are they intent in ruining a perfectly good company and have taken over £700,000.00 from them when the compny only owed then £208,000.00 but they now going after the home of a 73 year old sick woman they want to take her home and sell it so they can take even more money from the company and the family that ran it.

This is outrageous this poor lady has no links with the company and has a heart condition and a lung disorder and angina

We need to stop this sort of thing from happening these companies need to be regulated by the FSA so they can not get away with this sort of behavior


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