Post A Scam
Scam: #13661

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 07/02/2012
  • Severity: 10

Chris Bathum

Addiction Treatment Scammer Fraud

MALIBU / LA, California, 90265

This person, lies, steals from you (money and belongings), does not have a liscence for his treatment center.. water, cable, internet are constatly being shut off, he is abusive and manipulative and seems to belive he is helping people. Every attorney in Malibu has heard about him and many have worked against, not for him. He is on the brink of bankruptcy, so he's basically worthless to even try to sue. Just protect yourself from him and Clouds Rest Recovery and whatever other unliscensed place he has.. I belive he has one in Hollywon on Melrose. Save yourself the added problems and trouble. This man is dangerous and a con artist.


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Let me address this directly with my name, not hiding behind the anonymity.

• We are published in addiction treatment, both with 2 books and papers you can read online click here
to see one and Here
to see another book, out for several years.

• Click here to read a paper we published on the role of complexity science in addiction
• We have dozens of clients ready to give any client a great testimonial regarding our work, our commitment and the legitimacy of our program.
• We have “those you would know” testimonial and also video of our work in progress and you can see those click here to see Here

In the end we have to rely on your good judgment and let go of the decision to you.

This is where “the courage to change the things we can” is on you, and “the wisdom to know the difference” is on us.

Our open response in "on us", we feel the need to make sure you have the information.

You need then only to decide with your own eyes and mind.

Recovery is for all of us.
We are published in addiction treatment, both with 2 books and papers you can read online click here
to see one and Here
to see another book, out for several years.

• Click here to read a paper we published on the role of complexity science in addiction
• We have dozens of clients ready to give any client a great testimonial regarding our work, our commitment and the legitimacy of our program.
• We have “those you would know” testimonial and also video of our work in progress and you can see those click here to see Here

In the end we have to rely on your good judgment and let go of the decision to you.

This is where “the courage to change the things we can” is on you, and “the wisdom to know the difference” is on us.

Our open response in "on us", we feel the need to make sure you have the information.

You need then only to decide with your own eyes and mind.

Recovery is for all of us.
Anyone can write a book. Bathum pretends to be legit by writing under his own name and making claims that sound legit. He is a convicted federal felon. Hey Chris you stupid ass you forgot to include that in your rebuttal. You should let every one know how many lawsuits have been filed against you. Do not believe this con artist any time he makes a statement.
If he was legit he would not be breaking confidentiality to use client statements that identify the client. Just the act of claiming to have client recommendations is bogus and not what rteal addiction professionals do. Avoid anything this prick is involved with.
The person who posted this deceitfully used the name of a deceased person very cruelly, and in ways hurtful to the person's family. The actual posters name is Richard Hite and he is an unlicensed therapist we had to get a restraining order against for contacting my 11 year old daughters face book account-- I kid you not. this is the world we live in, we accept it and keep telling the truth. You will decide what is true for you.

If you would like to see the facebook post or the restraining order email me at

Embrace life, be honest and in the light and the truth will be known We will keep telling the truth and you will decide.

Since Chris wants us to embrace life and be honest, and I want to assist him. Sometimes we forget that we have to be accountable for our actions. I think we should REMIND him.

His HOME address is 29831 Vista Del Arroyo Agoura Hills, CA 91301

Those who have been scammed, either with false promises of treatment or are owed money for work performed before he 'moved' (his way of referring to closing) his 'treatment' center will probably not have much luck suing or trying to reason with him online.

Suggestion - go and speak to him in person. If there is a white BMW 135i convertible in the driveway, he is likely home. The white minivan belongs to his wife, a very nice woman. I would not suggest bothering her. The only crime I think she has committed is that she married and had kids with a criminal sociopath.

I kid you not, this is the world we live in.
These are the same guys, pay me and and I shut up, I just got a text from one of them saying "find $2250 and you will never here from me again." Sorry not doing it.
That's right - I said pay what you owe or everyone will know about it.

Chris would rather spend money with than pay his staff.

Anyone want to join me at the Bathum family home for a friendly protest?

PS - please keep posting replies, it pushes the Google rankings higher!
You can reach him at 818 991 0936 home or 818 635 9380 cell.$2,250.00
I was told that if we can find ONE client who had fraudulent billing from an insurance company in orange county the IRS special investigations unit will take over and start to subpoena the information from the trustee to go full force legally after Christopher Bathum on all fronts, there is a real noose closing around this Sociopaths neck
Bathum now operates on Melrose Ave. in Los Angeles he has NO LICENSE and no legal way to bill insurance companies and he is doing just that. Forging doctors and therapists identities billing insurance companies and intimidating the families and clients to give him the cash. This is mail fraud, Insurance fraud, Bank fraud all of which he has been convicted of in the past. He then threatens the clients and their families. He is on video tape having forged checks cashed at banks and check cashing businesses. Bathums career is well known and his time has run out. The reckoning is on him.His wives and accomplice Kirsten Wallace are all implicated and will go down with him in this scam. Watch your Los Angeles news papers he will soon be all over the media!
oh my god!


hey chris. since you have a wife and kids you should probably pay these fictional people so they dont come to your house right?

and you shouldn't be getting testimonials from rehab clients. bad form. it should always remain anonymous. especially in such a fragile phase of recovery.

you obviously dont have the wisdom to know the difference do you?

oh also........remember when you wanted to give me a little pill in your office and wanted it to be "our little secret?" REALLY??? Oh but my faaaavorite was when you put your gross freckled hand on my knee. Are you kidding?! Oh! How about the whole NOT helping my family thing? The recovering addict in my family basically came and went as he pleased. Thanks for that. I had to hunt him down daily. Great job asshole.
chris bathum is the reason rehab is looked at in a bad light. death is not a bad enough punishment for him.
Chris I feel sorry for your kids. I only find comfort in the fact that you probably feed them very convincing and comforting lies that help them sleep at night. But for how long? How long are you going to be able to keep this up? Lie to cover up a lie? Mental warfare with more and more players? Less places to run and hide? More bodies to bury? It must be exhausting. Jail will be a nice rest for you.
The people that have anything bad to say about Chris Bathum must have royally relapsed and totally lost their minds. As a client of Bathums, I can honestly say that because I didnt have the funds to pay for the treatment center, he allowed me to stay there for over five months and I didnt pay a dime. He never once reminded me about not being able to pay and only offered the most that was available to me, even including me in after care therapy and family sessions once I left. I would recommend any of Chris's recovery community centers because bottom line is, if you want to be sober, then it will work for you. He gives you enough rope to hang yourself while staying there and some of you that have shit to say should LITERALLY have used it. Shame on you. I didnt pay a dime and he's welcomed me back when I needed additional help for long term therapy and care. I suggest you do some step work and do a 4th and a 10th step on this because if this is how you feel, then you shouldn't have gone into treatment in the first place. He's NEVER been "pervy" and offered me pills. That's a JOKE of a statement.

And if you did any actual step work, there's no "fragile" place in recovery. Its called life. Deal with it and stop being bitter. "Get Chris" and "Your Time is Near"... Go work on a program. If you feel scammed, its cause you're just a dumbass that didn't get it and probably relapsed or angry he kicked you out because the rest of the community didn't want you there cause you weren't really trying. You guys are the real scam.

Owners of southland sober living facilities arrested in massive fraud bust

Patients and insurers victimized in alleged $176 million fraud scheme
LOS ANGELES, Calif. — California Department of Insurance detectives, assisted by multiple law enforcement agencies, arrested Chris Bathum and Kirsten Wallace on multiple felony counts of grand theft, and identity theft for allegedly conspiring to defraud patients and insurers out of more than $176 million through an elaborate conspiracy. Simultaneously, search warrants were also executed at 15 locations throughout Los Angeles and Orange County.

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