Post A Scam
Scam: #13665

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 07/04/2012
  • Severity: 5

Kalinin Andrey Valerevich

Russian Business Scammer to United States

Cheboksari, CHEBOKSARY, RUSSIA , OKPO 75704227

Kalinin Andrey Valerevich -- established his business in city of Cheboksari, Russia, one of the largest industrical cities in Russia, a city on large river, just an hour south of YOSHAKR-OLA, his hometown known as 'beautiful city'. He graduated from University in Y-O, as an economist, graduating in late 2011.
His grandmother resides in Y-O, where he resided with her, until relocating his business to Cheboksari, where his mother resides.
He is owner of LTD company known as "BOSFOR", in Russia, Republic of Chuvashsia, Cheboksari, Mashinostroiteley proeax, d.1 OKPO: 75704227. Manager Kalininskiy LTD "BOSFOR" Kalinin Andrey Valerevich. +7(8352)61-36-60.
Please see previous ads concerning Andrey's pathological character. His criminal thievery needs to be exposed in court of public opinion. HE EXPLOITS TRUST, and is a pathological LIAR, BEWARE. His past abuses of TRUST are shameful, and are criminal, just as a conman. HIS alleged or desired "HANDS OF GOLD" will only target your gold, your money! If you should see him, OR CALL HIM, ASK HIM: ARE YOU A MAN, OR A MOUSE? SQUEEK UP! He is a man OR MOUSE of LITTLE INTEGRITY.
Please see other postings on WhoScammedYou.
His stated objective, after graduation, was to flee the abuses of extreme prejudice against gay men; and wanted to immigrate to the United States for his desired sexual freedom -- but even that was another scam, as he DESPISES those whom he can create his Harry Potter fantasy life. HE has extreme emotional conflicts over his father's death, dying when Andrey was in his formative years; and after his mother re-married, he resented his step-father, to such an extreme, having such malice, he then abandoned his mother and young brother to live with his grandmother in Yoshkar-Ola. It is that ABANDONMENT of those he loves, those he trusted, which brings him great satisfaction, abusing their love and trust. He has internalized the societal hatred of those in Russia who are homosexualist to such a degree, by hiding himself from himself, that he must provocate those whom he would trust the most, as part of his abandonment fixations as a child. He is an extremely ISOLATED person, who trusts no-one, and in that process, he betrays his would-be friends, and betrays himself the most. HE CANNOT BE a FREELY GAY loving man who can allow himself the freedom to love another man. He thinks of himself as fiercely intelligent and INDEPENDENT, yet runs from himself just when he might find freedom to be the person he wants to be. He deludes himself into thinking he is so very clever -- yet he has not the courage to be HIMSELF, how pathetic! HE NEEDS SERIOUS COUNSELING, so his heart can grow.

Scam Images

Russian Business Scammer to United States Russian Business Scammer to United States Russian Business Scammer to United States Russian Business Scammer to United States


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