Post A Scam
Scam: #13674

Scam Alert



Gemma Middleton/Derham/Kelly/Mckenzie

The Daughter of a frauster is active

London, HWR, EN5 5DB

Will pay by check, these checks will bounce,her father is a accomplished con artist, please search Chris Derham. She will lie and munipulate you. She will take your money, She then puts this into a bank account shared with her father. She will tell you she is a great business women, BE WARNED. She knows nothing be very carefull around this women. She will very quickly ask you to marrie her.....Do not do this, she will pour on the charm (just like daddy) and ruin you! She is a great actress, before you know it she will be in the middle of your circle of friends making you look horrid. Keep your wits about you. But most importantly steer clear. She has a major cocaine habit, as well as a drink problem. She has two children who should not be with her, lets hope someone saves them. Steer clesr you have been warned
Gemma is on the left


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  • Submitted: 07/11/2012
This woman was trained by her father as a scam artist.

She has no shame and will use everything she can to get what she wants.

She was involved with her father Chris Derham in a number of scams and helped him divert funds illegally from businesses to fund her drugs/lifestyle.

I hope that social services are keeping a close watch on her children.

She deserves to go down with her father.
Seeking information Regarding Gemma Derham/Kelly/Middleton/Rose
Very important for a pending court case. Would love to be in contact with Brian Kelly or Helen and her brother. You guys know who you are. Please write down
In an email your experiences with Gemma, this is highly important and will hopefully stop her in her tracks, I'm also interested in any information regarding her family members. This is also important, so any of you guys with information about them please email all details to all emails will then be passed on to a solicitors

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