Post A Scam
Scam: #13786

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 08/05/2012
  • Severity: 10

Weiss, Handler, Angelos & Cornwell, PA


Boca Raton, Florida, 33431

Yet another FLORIDA BAR COMPLAINT has been filed against HENRY HANDLER & CAROL KARTAGENER alleging FRAUD, LEGAL MALPRACTICE, CIVIL THEFT & PERJURY. File# 2013-50, 157 (15F) File# 2013-50, 158 (15D) August 2, 2012. Further, a CIVIL THEFT law suit is pending against the firm; Handler and Karatagener PERSONALLY.

Handler has THREATENED Judge Krista Marx - THREATENED folks in the MEDIA - see THREATENED OPPOSING COUNSEL and so on. Ask LOUIS M. SILBER, ESQ. AKA: "The Interloper"



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Weiss Handler is one of South Florida's finest law firms, there have been no sanctions, nothing, all these so called bar complaints this author “claims” were filed months ago; the one complaint WAS DISMISSED, dismissed as frivolous, case closed. Latest bar decision was deservedly very much in favor of the firm. This posting happens to be a total fabrication. The author is more than likely the ex husband that Weiss Handler got judgments’ against on behalf of his wife and children. Good work on behalf of Weiss Handler, time and time again, winning in an arena that they are experts in, anyone that truly knows this firms reputation knows that they are top notch and extremely honorable. These falsehoods are just that, false and frivolous; case closed, ruling in favor of Weiss Handler.
Weiss Handler is one of South Florida's most prestigious law firms in South Florida. The founders, Henry Handler, and Howard Weiss are two of the most knowledgeable, most honorable attorneys in the legal profession. This firm is held in the highest esteem by local judges, politicians, public authorities and has deservedly attained an AV rating, the highest rating a law firm can earn, awarded by Martindale-Hubbell.; thus making Weiss Handler one of Florida's top ranked law firms for 2012. The founders, Henry Handler and Howard Weiss are not only the most knowledgeable in their profession, they happen to highly respected in the business and social community as honorable humanitarians. These negative comments are made by someone who knows nothing about the integrity of this firm or the founders. The baseless allegations are just that, false. All claims of unprofessionalism were addressed by local agencies and the Florida Bar who actually looked favorably [as always] on Weiss Handler and dismissed all these meritless frivolous claims. Weiss Handler will continue to be one of the elite in the field of law.

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