James williams
Nokia lottery corporation
Delhi, Delhi
I got email from the nokia corporation telling u r a winner.then to fill a form.
We congratulate you for emerging as the award winner of the Nokia award worth 2crore 95lakhs in year 2012 Asia Splash Promo. This award is conducted for us to promote and advertise our product in India. Since We are one of the leading phone product in India.
Your number emerges as the winner of our promotion after getting numbers from service providers in India where numbers were selected randomly by our computer ballot system and as such we wish to say congratulation on behalf of the Nokia Company United Kingdom as your number emerge as the winner of our promotion. Be informed that your award has been insured for safety reasons so that to avoid lost of any form/kind. You will also be given a brand New Sony Vaio Laptop (VPCEG38FN) and 2 Nokia Lumia 800 Mobile Phone.
Please FILL in appropriate field in the below requirement needed with a passport copy attached to it and send back to us. Be informed that the Nokia Company will be sending their representative to make delivery to your country and to your home of residence.
1. Full name:..................... 2. Contact Address [Home Address]:............ 3. Age:.............................. 4. Mobile Number:............. 5. Marital Status:............... 6. Sex:.............................. 7. Occupation:................... 8. Company:..................... 9. State:........................... 10.Country:....................... 11.Nationality:................... 12.Address:...................... 13. Email:......................... 14. Means of identification........
A recognized copy of identity proof (International Passport,Drivers License,Pan Card,Student ID etc) should be attached alongside your filled form to us.
Be informed that as soon as We receive your duly completely filled details,your award will be dispatched immediately to your country and will arrive in your country within 24 to 48hours. We advise that you always check your email for update.
For more inquiry you can contact our London Office on Telephone no.: +448719960575.
Thanks and Congratulations From Nokia Mobile Company INC.
NOKIA MOBILE COMPANY. Copyright (c) 2012
When i fill the form got another email regarding delivery
your Winning Prize amount of 2crores 95lakhs from the Nokia Mobile Promotion which was held here in London,United Kingdom. This promotion was conducted in other to promote our product and advertise our products in Asia region and as such we congratulates you ones more for being one of our five winners in Asia.
Be informed that your won prize of 2Crore 95Lakhs Indian Rupees which is 341,500 British Pounds including A Sony Vaio Laptop and 2Nokia Lumia 800 has already been scheduled for delivery to your region in Asia and as such for a better and fast delivery it has been insured.
This is to notify you that we have received your details and as such your Won prize has been scheduled to depart from United Kingdom Today via MIDWAY EXPRESS COURIER SERVICE and arrive in your country(India) the early hours Tomorrow.
Please confirm the arrival of your prize by Tracking your Parcel with the Midway Courier Tracking details given to you below.
Click the below link to view the web page of the Midway Express Courier Service,then Click on the option that says(Track your package) then enter your tracking number to confirm the arrival of your parcel prize.
TRACKING NUMBER: 0022764915 WEBSITE: http://midwayexpressz.com/online/
We have assigned a Diplomatic Delivery Code(Asia/Ind/Del/99837883). Please do keep your Delivery code confidential as it will be requested by our delivery representation before the parcel will be handover to you. Also do make sure you comply with the delivery personnel instruction for you to have the best of delivery and to avoid double claims.
We have attached the identification proof of our delivery representative that will be coming to your home to make delivery of your award prize to you. His name is James William. Be informed.
NOTE: Our Delivery representative will have a photo snap with you and your family to confirm his delivery as your picture will be use for our Bill Board Advert for Nokia. This Automatically makes you one of our Advert Models and your benefit will include yearly payment.
Also Note that you are to send a scan copy of your ID PROOF to our Delivery Agent James William on his personal email id to enable him identify you as the beneficiary on arrival to your country Email id: james1957william@yahoo.com
Once again Congratulation on behalf of Staff's and member of the British Nokia PROMOTION Board International!!!
For more inquiry you can contact our London Office on Telephone no.: +448719960575.
Thanks and Congratulations From Nokia Mobile Company INC.
NOKIA MOBILE COMPANY. Copyright (c) 2012.
then when i replied all the procesures he told me to pay the custone duty bt i didn't alll the details are in pics