Post A Scam
Scam: #13815

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 08/12/2012
  • Severity: 5

Christopher Bathum


Los Angeles/Malibu, California

I am not one of the individuals that has all ready posted about the corrupt Christopher Bathum. That said, the 3 reports that I saw on this site are absolutely correct. I had the misfortune of dealing with Bathum when he worked at what is currently called Season's in Malibu - yet another scummy, badly run, dishonest excuse for a drug rehab in Malibu, California. At the time I had the misfortune of meeting Bathum he was supposedly the CEO of this rehab. I paid $70,000 for 3 months of rehab, and after receiving my second check Bathum kicked our child out on the street with no explanation. We never received a refund, a call - nothing. Not only that, but months later I started receiving claims from my health insurance company as Bathum tried to milk more money from my health insurance despite the fact that we paid cash for the rehab. Additionally, one of the other employee's at Season's used our credit card after being told that it was absolutely off limits, and tried to charge an additional $5000. In the end we prevailed on the credit card issue, but we were out $70,000, and Mr. Bathum continues to con, lie, cheat, steal and manipulate from those that are in dire need of help.

A person that would prey on another that is an addict, or the addict's family is the lowest form of scum imaginable. He also refused to pay his employee's, but made sure that he was always paid.

Please, please do yourself a favor and never send a loved one to a rehab in Malibu, or never, ever have anything to do with CHRISTOPHER BATHUM. Look on YOU TUBE for Bathum's racist cartoon about his former employer's at Season's (btw - the owner's of Season's are just a bad as Bathum).

Chris have a nice day - and no I don't live in Mexico. I was a parent of a person you had at Season's. Hope you sleep well at night knowing what you did - karma's not so great is it, Chris?


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yeah, seasons is just as guilty. the people that watch evil happen and do nothing about it are twice as evil for their compliance.
Christopher Bathum's day is coming very very soon. I wish I could personally put the cuffs on that lying, cheating, disgusting, ugly sociopath.

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