Post A Scam
Scam: #13818

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 08/13/2012
  • Severity: 5

Christopher Bathum


Los Angeles/Malibu, California

To complete the picture of Bathum's curriculum vitae lets look at his qualifications for helping someone in the middle of addiction. Mr. Bathum has a "certificate" (that's not a degree) from some strip mall hypnotherapy training school. Yes, the intelligent, wonderful and highly dishonest Bathum is a hypnotherapist. To let you have an idea as to what he "used" to do for work - he solicited patients over the web, and offered "cures" through hypnotherapy for everything under the sun. To make his work even more legitimate he would use his special form of hypnotherapy over the phone - really, Chris, really!!!???? This man's ethics are those of a carny show barker - in other words he has no ethics, and from all searches that I've done no education.

Per the other posters on this site he has done what he always does and that is attack other's. He is never, ever accountable for his actions - one of the true hallmarks of addiction therapy - accountability. Odd that a man that lies, cheats, steals and obfuscates thinks that he is qualified to deal with the very serious, and life threatening, disease of addiction. Bathum is at best qualified to do...what I don't know, but certainly nothing that involves accountability, trust, ethics or morals. I'm extremely glad to see that other's have finally found out who this person is, and I pray that he will be stopped before he hurts more people.

Please do not believe his rambling lies - because that's what everything he has to say is - a LIE. The fact that he's trying to claim that someone is trying to extort money from him is laughable. Just do your due diligence before having anything to do with this man. If he's in any way associated with a rehab that you are considering run the other way. Buyer beware in the Malibu, California area there are many more hustlers just like Bathum - he is one of many. For those seeking true help for a loved one I highly suggest, through personal experience, that you look somewhere else besides Malibu, California.


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