Post A Scam
Scam: #13819

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 08/13/2012
  • Severity: 5




In Bathum's response to this posting he is correct about one thing a young man named Matthew (last name will not be used to protect his family) is dead from an overdose after being "treated" at Season's when Bathum was the "CEO." Unfortunately for Matthew he was kicked out onto the streets by Bathum, and died a short time later. This event, and this event alone, should let you know the type of person Bathum is. He has violated HIPAA laws, committed insurance fraud, libeled good people, fraudulently used credit cards, and the list of CRIMES goes on and on. Please do not have anything to do with this man. Hopefully with knowledge he will finally be stopped for hurting other's in crisis. This is an individual that preys on those in pain from addiction, and their families. There are good people in the addiction community in fact one of them saved Matthew the first time he overdosed by getting him to the hospital in time (this was after he was asked to leave Season's in Malibu). That said, the majority of people in the Malibu rehab "industry" don't care about the patients, but only about the money they can generate.

Of all the scum that I have met in rehabs Christopher Bathum is the worst - enough said.


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