RE: Stalker
Honolulu, Hawaii
Brycen Oi,
I have never stalked you, as I simply do not have the desire, time or the transportation to do so. Anyone who knows me for who I truly am, know I am free-spirited - not possessive. Despite what you claim online and in person to others, you and I both know the truth: I never did and still do not want to have anything to do with you. In fact, you were the one who showed up on campus uninvited and grabbed me; hence the police and campus security reports filed against you a year ago.
I did not meet you online; I simply agreed to go out to dinner with you and my ex-roommate after having acquiesced to your many invitations. I am not proud to admit I have never had any interest in you other than your financial assistance, but I am doing so in hopes of making everything clear to you. I do not care about you and I want nothing to do with you. I have never shared any level of intimacy or sexual relations with you; thus I was both surprised and threatened by your possessive and obsessive behavior. Things turned out for the worst between you and I because I do not wish to be associated with you, despite your previous/existing feelings for me.
I realize we are unable to delete the posts we’ve made on this website. Unfortunately these posts have proven detrimental to my relationship with the man whom I truly care for and adore. May I remind you these incidents occurred over a year ago; why are you still dwelling on me? I only hope you will stop talking about me, posting about me online, and ultimately, stop thinking of me. Your inability to let go speaks for itself in regards to who is the stalker. I have zero animosity towards you and wish you the ability to let go of me and move on. I have met someone important enough to me to the extent I am asking you stop. I do not want to hear from you, of you or have you contact me ever again … so please stop immediately.