Post A Scam
Scam: #13947

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/14/2012
  • Severity: 5


FTLS, INC the ultimate scammers!

Los Angeles, California, 90025

PLEASE BE AWARE OF CPN PACKAGES OUT OF VEGAS AND CALIFORNIA THEY GO BY SETH 8189157595, Biz, Diane, Ira, Martin and MIKE THE WILL TRICK YOU BY OFFERING THESE GREAT TRADE for a small deposit thats the hook take alittle from alot of people , AND DO NOTHING SEND YOU LEGAL AGREEMENTS AND RIP YOU OFF !! They hire sales reps to sell their packages and scam them into selling the packages to and promising them that they will pay a commission and they do not do anything but rip them off as well and have the clients calling them frauds of which the reps have done nothing but what they have been instructed to do. Some reps have lost everything and others have lost business tools that they set up for payments. The representatives are not at fault! They have been scammed as well. They have also set up people to call and threaten the reps so they won't say anything. They also have reps western unioning money to them and making deposits and wires to a bank account in Nevada. Seth, Diane, Ira, Mike, Martin and the others are the ones that are scamming people all over the country. Contact your attorney general and file the complaint on Ftls,Inc, D and D advisors or FCS1,Inc they must be stopped!


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All someone needs is YOUR NAME.
They can get your Social.
Open accounts OVERSEAS etc with your info.
Pull your Credit Report.
Call your Creditors-BANKERS etc and STOP ALL YOUR CREDIT CARDS.

They can even see all your info through your smart phone.
What about looking through your emails...and extracting all your card numbers emails.
You have NO IDEA of what can be done.
They can even DUPLICATE your email etc and steal money!

I provide the following services
Reputaion Managment(remove or push backdamaging info off the web)many levels available
Information Technology
Damage control(turning negative into positive with your Business associates-Clients etc).
New files
Identity files
Off the Grid files
Primary Tradeline for Business(I teach only)
I provide services and I teach

Serious responses only.

786 471 6105

If you need a service I can provide NO FEES UP for CPN FLES ETC>>I do NOT need your Social...or ID(Lol)those are the SCAMMERS.
I provide servces ON THE SPOT!
Or I will LISTEN to your situation FOR A FEE(CONSULTATION)!
THE BEST in this Industry!I know what you need and how to get the Job done!

• Location: 786 471 6105

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