Richard Macmullan
dating scam
Austin, Texas
Was searching facebook and like my page. He send a message and I response back and sent several and he asked to start using Yahoo Messager. Later he asked for personal email address and I gave him my email. We send to each other on a daily bases. Over the past weeks the email became more sexual in nature. During chats in he would asked about my living arrangements and anyone else in the house with me. He wanted to know what I was wearing. Only time he would contact me was during early morning about 12AM to 2AM. After my friends became concern, I started a starting on google to find any information and could not find information. He stated that he is an architect from Texas and I check the state of Texas for licensed Architect. I cut off all communication with him when he started asking for money after losing his wallet in South Africa. I kept saying no time and time again. I also check with the State Department and there was no record of him as an American citizen. I grown emotionally attach to him and now I am extremely angry of taken advantage of emotionally.