Post A Scam
Scam: #13966

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/19/2012
  • Severity: 10

LINDA RISDEN-FRAUD-7408 169 Drive, Live Oak FL, 32060

LINDA RISDEN-FRAUD-7408 169 Drive, Live Oak FL, 32060

fort lauderdale, Florida, 33065

It is our policy to inform all new clients of Linda K. Risden as to her fraud back ground and those she has scammed and some 90 home owners in South Florida. We will be mailing a brief back ground all she has defrauded to all and any listings she post any where of her crimes and grand thief of past client to help protect the public, mailed information was sent to : the owner of : 7408 169 Drive, Live Oak FL, 32060.

we don't think that her open adultery or bigamist marriage to Craig M. Beaver is important to the listing clients or open posting clients, just the fact of her embezzlement history.

a trail soon coming will expose over 250 documents as to Linda Risdens crimes and open adultery and bigamy and IRS fraud and auto fraud will show the court and jury what they are dealing with along with Linda Risdens and Mr Beavers perjury and conspiracy

Linda was asked to leave the company after she admitted to Felony grand Thief and re-frame from using the coming name or using the last name Risden by her husband and founder of the company after she stated to her husband it was her intent to over time quietly repay the money she embezzled and then stated the amount became so large she could not repay it.

Florida Five Star Realty, Inc.Live Oak, FL 32060 is a P.O Box ... 954-270-3463

13307 County Road 252 is the home of Craig Beavers Trailer in the woods in Live Oak Florida where he works at Beaver trash hauling business

Linda Risden listed office is a UPS box at the Walmart Plaza ..

she claims to be n South Florida Expert...but her expertise is only in ripping off clients about 90 of them and is the reason she slips in and out of South Florida to see her Daughter Bridget Lynn Massey now serving a 10 year probation and house arrest at her soon to be foreclosed home at 6900 30 ave in fort lauderdale for her Felony Grand Thief

Mrs Risden home is coral springs at ( 3001 NW 106 Ave )just had a final summary judgement order to sell her home at the court house steps and we have also mailed to the renters copies of the final summary judgement so they will have time to move out as Linda Risden will Not Do even as a Realtor and Broker


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