Post A Scam
Scam: #13975

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/20/2012
  • Severity: 10





She..really believes her Embezzlement and Grand Thief of over 90 home owners in south Florida is No Big Deal... but she fled her home in the middle of the night....with out her family knowledge and with no person belongings..... and that Just where it begins for her. Linda Risden takes it several steps deeper in her crime spree from Auto Loan Fraud to obtain a Dodge Nitro at Lipton Toyota in fort lauderdale that she is driving today ..and then Credit Card Fraud ...

Linda Risden was asked to step down from the company by the Founder, her partner and husband after she confessed to the Grand Thief in October of 2009 and she fled after the husband demand funds be re-payed to the home owners association

she is hiding in a trailer in Live Oak Florida where she married.. Craig Marvin Beaver .. most likely the first guy that would give her a place to hide and live....just after he shot his last girl friend dead... its in the deep south...what can I say...the problem is Linda Risden is still married to date to her husband of 24 years... so well call it Open Adultery and Bigamy... but the Beaver family it that type of people.

Linda Risden is by clinical definition a Psychopath as she has No remorse for her crimes , her family or the home owners she has defrauded and the Husband she has left with 90 pissed off home owner and financial mess Psychopath is the correct definition of Linda Risden.

Linda Risden Fled the couple Coral Springs home just after her Daughter from her first marriage was arrested for Felony Grand Thief of $40,000.00 from yet another Home Owners Association. the Daughter Bridget Lynn Massey quickly plead guilty and received 10 years in Broward County , Miss Massey also had her CPA license striped by the state of Florida and she is for-ever bared from any other type of licenses in Florida.

it was just after the daughters arrest Linda Risden fleas town fearing her arrest and fled to Live Oak Florida and moved it with Craig Beavers trailer at 13307 county road 252 zip 32060 . Mr Beaver a local drunk and womanizer and known as the the black sheep of the family... personally all the Beavers are a bunch of low lifes with shady reputations and Senoir Beaver about 80 plus run around with a 30 year old woman after dumping his wife.

If you do business with Linda Risden after reading about her history of embezzlement and fraud of past clients....its you own fault... if Linda Risden tells you about all her listings....thats another total lie....she advertises other listing agents properties and there not hers... Linda Risden has No working capital at she is broke and on the run as she claims to be a south Florida specialist ..but hiding in the woods in northern Florida in some trailer... and the story is she currently in savanna Georgia most likely setting up another P.O Box she calls an office .... Linda home is up for auction in broward county and all her cars have been reposed and she currently over $700,000.00 in debt and defaulted on a $100,000.00 small business loan , Linda Risden also claims to be in the top 100 in Florida ......Not Even Close... more like 100 from Florida bottom or lower...

So when hiring a Realtor or Broker make sure they are
1) good standing
2) have proper funding to market your home
3) live in your town and are available to show their own listing
4) the Realtor has a real office and not a P.O. Box at Walmart or at the UPS store like Linda Risden operates
5) flyer boxes at your property are always full at all times.
6) Google your Realtors name to she their history.
7) makes sure your Realtor does not have a reputation like Linda Risdens
8) put in your contact if your Realtor has both sides of both your listing and your buyer...the commission will be a total of 4% .


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