Post A Scam
Scam: #13978

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/21/2012
  • Severity: 10

sathiya raj milton rasiah suzanne slupsky raju rasiah renuka rasiah

letter of credit aztec development letter of credit

san marcos san diego beverly hills ca, California

are major theives check on scam number 5673 and 13951 beware of any of these people or companies such as Hightechmarketing askmileton. com aztec development rasiah records Raju rasiah rare & exotic Jewels rhodeo dr. Most of the monies has been conned by honest business people or individuals, people have lost thier retiremnt, homes, you name it some have won judgment's in court, Raj will tell them you won't see a penny so even a judgement will not suffice or get your money back also do a good search befor you give them your hard earned money


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Who Scammed You Commenter
  • t56
  • Submitted: 09/21/2012
check out scam 5673 bill me later
Invertor Fraud,I also started a Company with Milton Rasiah, He said I was part owner of his computer company he is a very good con artist over the phone Haisar Computers, also lives with a Gwendolyn Brooks who is a teacher and she has a daughter who is a model,he has a brother who sell's wothtless jewelry Sri Lanka.I hope we can put him and gwen in jail where they belong.
  • jb1
  • Submitted: 04/27/2014
Sorry he got you too. I was part of High Tech Telecom and Raj took several of us to the cleaners as well. I am also in touch with several other people that Raj has also scammed. We are trying to get any additional information about him that we can, and hope to take action against him. Please contact me by email at
  • jb1
  • Submitted: 05/17/2014
There were also several other threads on this site from different people that have been victims of Sathiya Raj, Milton Rasiah, Suzanne Slupsky and Raju Rasiah.
They have all been removed, and I know it wasn't done by any of the people that posted them. I have been sending notes to this website to find out why they were removed.
The people named in this complaint are con artists, scammers, liars and thieves.

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