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Scam: #13982

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/22/2012
  • Severity: 7

Jio Lucci

quarterback training

Los Angeles, California, 90210

Jio Lucci tries to con you into taking his "long term" training and then doesn't deliver the lessons. If you complain, he resorts to threats. He writes his own press releases claiming to be a leading quarterback coach, but no one in the real world says this. Only Jio Lucci says Jio Lucci is a good coach.


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THESE PEOPLE ARE COMPLETELY DISGRUNTLED and Coach Lucci has never missed a session or denied a session. ITS A DISGRUNTLED PARENT, jealous of other athletes. The person is sick to post this stuff.

Ken S
My son has always been trained with the utmost respect
people and parents who do this kind of stuff are really sick. they use the internet as a tool to talk bad about good people. this parent or whoever it is is to afraid to say it in the other persons face, so they hide behind companies like these to post.

sick internet people.

this coach and the company are great. my son has been in training for over 2 1/2 years , excellent , now hes a starter for his high school. coach was always on the field first to train. the person who post, is just a ugly jealous person. i hope they catch the person , because the word is out.

coach lucci & his staff are great: dont listen to this garbage.
people and parents who do this kind of stuff are really sick. they use the internet as a tool to talk bad about good people. this parent or whoever it is is to afraid to say it in the other persons face, so they hide behind companies like these to post.

sick internet people.

this coach and the company are great. my son has been in training for over 2 1/2 years , excellent , now hes a starter for his high school. coach was always on the field first to train. the person who post, is just a ugly jealous person. i hope they catch the person , because the word is out.

coach lucci & his staff are great: dont listen to this garbage.
people and parents who do this kind of stuff are really sick. they use the internet as a tool to talk bad about good people. this parent or whoever it is is to afraid to say it in the other persons face, so they hide behind companies like these to post.

sick internet people.

this coach and the company are great. my son has been in training for over 2 1/2 years , excellent , now hes a starter for his high school. coach was always on the field first to train. the person who post, is just a ugly jealous person. i hope they catch the person , because the word is out.


coach lucci & his staff are great: dont listen to this garbage.
people and parents who do this kind of stuff are really sick. they use the internet as a tool to talk bad about good people. this parent or whoever it is is to afraid to say it in the other persons face, so they hide behind companies like these to post.

sick internet people.

this coach and the company are great. my son has been in training for over 2 1/2 years , excellent , now hes a starter for his high school. coach was always on the field first to train. the person who post, is just a ugly jealous person. i hope they catch the person , because the word is out.


coach lucci & his staff are great: dont listen to this garbage.
I know the person who posted this. They tried to talk S--T about coach lucci and everyone knows they are just disgruntled parents that there son is not up to par with the other athletes. We know who you are. You should stop or it could get real messy.

Coach jio and his Staff have a great reputation, always on time, excellent scheduling, prompt staff response and Coach bends over backwards for kids. Your jealousy reflects hate, and people are talking.

Sylvia go coach your the best, dont listed to this stuff
HEY THE PERSON THAT POST THIS TRASH: go get a life. Look in the mirror and you try and train your kid. Talking Trash about a coach that works extremely hard for the kids, is way out of line on your part.

You need some psychiatric help......... stop talking trash about coach lucci, hes done nothing but good for the athletes.

by the way, the press releases are true and genuine, all of it is plain facts and true.

lets write about you, and tell the same true facts, i am sure you dont want that, im sure.

everyone knows who you are..........

jean l

all your going to do is ruin your kid. stop blaming others and blame yourself.

Coach Jio Lucci is a stand up guy. Never MISSED a session when my son trained. All the programs are great what they offer.

Coach Lucci is one of the TOP Quarterback Coaches in The Nation.

What have you done , stupid. Are you ignorant? no, just jealous.

you know his accomplishments , sicko. & we know yours. just a sick jealous person trying to sand bag and try to defame a coach that does excellent things.

get a LIFE.

by the way, we as in me and my wife know who you are, your sick mouth runs like a drain , but be careful who you trash. People are listening.......& they are actually sick of you.

We know who this person is. jio Lucci was victimized several months ago by an "internet bully" who posted several malicious posts. Most of them were removed by internet secutity and The internet Authorities due to it being a crime. (Slander reckless intent to defame) using the internet as a "TOOL".
This person is just trying to do the same thing and they to will be processed for a crime and severe charges will be brought against them. Especially the untrue statements. Several documents have been processed to prove that this person is attacking Coach Jio Lucci straight out of a vendetta. Several people have come forth on who this person is. Those people do not want their names mentioned. There are now internet investigators that are monitoring all posts on Coach Jio Lucci, and all of these persons who post will be brought in for a crime. There is a Cease And Desese Order and a Superior Court Judge that asked all malicious post to be removed.
As for this persons posts, they are liars and trying to cheat the public on lies. Nothing they said is the truth. Coach Lucci has done nothing but train, train, train, for everyone and has an impeccable record.
These people that posts, are the type of say "park sideline parents" that know nothing, they are very disgruntled about their own kids talent and just try to put BLAME on others. They are like vipers behind some ones back and can not be trusted.
Once the investigators confirm who this party is, Their names will be posted on the Internet Watch list and forwarded to the district attorneys office for process.

L. W.
Legal counsel

crime unit; officer faith badge 45309 internet

Someone needs to shut Jio Lucci down. Here we are 4 years later and he is still using the same tactics to harass innocent people. His own 4 daughters ended up in foster care nine years ago after a court of law found him unfit to parent them. Since then he has used this same method posting blogs all over the internet calling his daughters and their foster parents, teachers, friends and mentors heroin dealers, pedophiles, drug addicts and even accusing them of being gay. This is a horrible person who has spent the last decade abusing and attacking people online by posting lies and pretending to be n attorney or police officer.

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