ms. bashama
naugaunee, Michigan
Scam Alert
$10,000 USD Reward for finding Ms. Bashama, AKA Tammy Austin, from Marietta Georgia Marietta P.D. report 1.11.2506 Larceny Feb 4, 2011 involved in over $400 MILLION USD Real and punitive damages with Robert Dee Rose of RICO cybercriminal terrorist group of Forsyth County GA. Everyone contact FBI/Attorney Genera/ and PRESS regarding her willful obstruction of justice, bribery of over 8 Judges, Lawyers, Police Officers, DA, and many others in Cobb County Georgia from Feb 2011 to Oct 2011 resulting in KIDNAPPING of key plantiff who was conned, robbed, forced into HELL-JAIL Feb 22, 2011 on TPO 11.1.1171.99 that was dismissed July 15, 2011 so NO violation occurred Sept 25, 2011 at Langley AFB Viriginia. Contact all law enforcement agencies in Atlanta and Washington D.C. to check out and detailing the MAN of GOD who simple records biblical history in more ways than one.
EVERYONE CALL 404 679-9000 x2 and DEMAND they manhunt Ms. Bashama and for MURDER, larceny, extreme Cybercrime, extortion and blackmail of over 75 USGOV Judges, Lawyers, DAs, PAs, Police Investigators in Georgia (Cobb, Forsyth, Gwinnett, Fulton, Cherokee) including 3 IRS agents, 2 USMarshals, and a few FBI agents along with 2 US Attorney Generals and their offices in the #1 TERRORIST COVERUP CONSPIRACY in U.S.A history when is viewed by FBI + USMIlitary.
Contrasted with that PREVENTS most crimes and corruption in the first place. GOOGLE Conspiracy and follow the BuiltByKeith URL links that change our world. For GOD IS WILLING when everyone sees who KEITH DUNCAN truly is. 678 759-9066 going international again.
As the TRUE MAN OF GOD, ROSE is the DEVIL himself. download to demand ALL GOVERNMENTS prevent corruption inside their own organizations using that benefits all of mankind. BASHAMA is also a murderer, clearly a master CON-artist who deserves DEATH ROW as soon as FIRST Federal Judge, Special Prosecutor, JOurnalist or even a KINDERGARTNER sees she is the most EVIL conspirator with ROSE by her own admission and court documents signed, posted on and delivered to every single news outlet, shows BASHAMA as TERRORIST CONSPIRATOR with #1 Cybercrime Terrorist now that $2 Million USD bounty manhunt is occurring to PAY FBI-AG to finally DO their job and serve JUSTICE.
For everyone supports Keith Duncan on his GOD focused ministries to PREVENT CRIMES and almost ALL TERRORIST attacks with and even that is a Nobel Peace Prize once the USGOV and first honest person finally DOES THEIR JOB. Contact USGOV, PRESS, all CHURCHES, and the PUBLIC about and Do I really need to create a also? NO, all of HER evidence and conspiracies are on these DropBox websites and already turned over TO all law enforcement agencies and the public under Freedom of MY information act of 2015 called