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Scam: #13995

Scam Alert



POSTS 13982 & 13991 FALSE POST

VICTIM: Jio Lucci


Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines


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Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

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