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Scam: #13997

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Jio Lucci

Jio Lucci Rent Evasion

Beverly Hills, California

Jio Lucci, theft, rent evasion, porn pay per view, body fluid stains, intimidation and threats, unpaid utility bills and property damage.

This delusional conman spouts slander, libel, defamation. Did the missing property suddenly grow legs and walk out the door? who by passed the lock on pay per view if it wasn't you? who watched the porn movies on our account? did you pay your rent and its us that forgot to cash your check? could my eyes be so bad I imagined the body fluid stains along with the cleaners, property manager and carpet cleaners, is everyone delusional but Jio Lucci?

Did we imagine the lease? your checks for the first 4 months of 10 month lease? was this just a bad Jio dream? were those really body fluid stains?

Jio Lucci rented our fully furnished property in Las Vegas, and liked it so much he left a lot of our furnishings, without paying his rent, utility bills, porn pay per view movies which managed to by pass the lock on.

Jio Lucci left body fluid stains for us to clean up and offers last week $1,200.00 for over $21,000.00 of debt saying "you can't get it from me anyway".

This is what he did to us. We have sued Jio Lucci we'd like to know where he is process servers have the law suit for him.

Jio lucci theft, porn pay per view, rent evasion, body fluid stains, unpaid utility bills, property damage. Jio Lucci law suit. Will the real Jio Lucci stand up or run away like the coward he is.


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Post 13997 FALSE: Perpetrating Party Posting Malice Again
Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

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