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Scam: #13998

Scam Alert



POST 13997 FALSE POST: per Internet Security

POST 13997 FALSE Per Internet Security

VICTIM: Jio Lucci, California, 90210

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines


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Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

72 counts of Internet Maiice is being pursued by authorities against the Perpetrating Party

Be Advised that an internet "cyber bully" is posting MALICIOUS FALSE POST on a victim named Jio Lucci. A NOTIFICATION WAS ISSUED FOR THIS PERSON OR PERSONS TO STOP> They have clearly disregarded the order and now , due to the severity of the postings this person is subject to a crime/ slander Section 45, 46 Libel written slander with reckless intent to harm.

This person has taken a minor dispute way out of the realm of the dispute. This internet bully has victimized Coach Jio Lucci, his business, family over increased posts of "disgust" using THE INTERNET AS A "TOOL" to harm and fool the public. This person is a sick internet predator.

Jio Lucci , the victim will be assisted by internet security and the authorities to bring severe charges against the person posting.

THE PUBLIC IS TO BE ADVISED: all the posts are false, its a vendetta from a sick mind, a person who just preys on the internet to harm. Do not open the caches or posts.

Internet malice in some cases are a federal crime.

Barnes Badge 5560
Web Security

Admin: web security
nitify all search engines

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