Post A Scam
Scam: #14029

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 09/29/2012
  • Severity: 5

christopher bathum

lying, cheating,.stealing and character assasination

los angeles, California, 90210

This pyschopath is on a rampage to do harm to everyone that opposes him and tries to stop his thefts and scams. He owes people $100,000;s of thousands of dolllars. Vendor, clients, employees that 4800 was my last paycheck. he owes the doctor over 4k, investor over 650k and over 30 emploeyees back wages. He was shut down by and action of the court and I was a party to this action.

He creates lies and distortions to perpertuate his devious and pathetic ends, preying on those vulnerable enough or naive enough to trust him. As clinical director for his company I never admitted or convinced anyone to come into treatment. I suspect this is another charge by him under a pseudonym.

Soon everything will be public knowledge........those innocent will be exonerated and those guilty of insurace fraud, bank fraud, mail fraud and theft will be given a chance to prove their innoncence in court. 5%of what this guy says has some small element of truth which he quickly spins his way.....good luck with him. he is a snake.


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fuck chris bathum
I agree. Christopher Bathum needs to be in prison. Fuck you Christopher Bathum!

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