Ed Kester / Sarah Rene
Prescott, Arizona
I have a listing on Craigslist for a mountain bike and was contacted by someone with the email address: kesteredworld543@gmail.com. Said they had read my listing and "would like to purchase it". (Just like that!) They asked questions that I had already answered in the listing such as condition and description of bike - duh... I replied and told them to read the listing again as all the answers are there. When I replied to the email it was sent to the email address: sarahrene41. Then "Sarah" emailed me back from this same email address and began the PayPal scam, claiming she was a geophysical investigator working in the mountains and wanting my full name, paypal email, physical address, and cell phone number.
Here is a copy of the final email I replied with:
Dear Ed Kester or whoever the hell you are,
I would LOVE to meet you! Why don't you come by my house so we can have a little chat?
Yes, let's have a face to face so you can show me what a "serious" buyer you are.
..... dumb ass.
Thank you www.whoscammedyou.com for making it easy for me to find information on this scam with a simple google search.