Post A Scam
Scam: #14146

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 11/05/2012
  • Severity: 5

jeremy fogleman

con artist

fort walton beach, Florida, 32548

People. Yes i had have issues as a young dumb man. But i had never stole or SCAMED anyone of their cars and money. When i went to jail for arguing with my wife as many people had before and i was charged but never convicted of anything other that driving and ussual dumb decitions i made but never stole or took something from anyone. This jeremy piece of shitttttt fogleman who i stupid me trusted him .. i gave him the right to sell my things to pay for my bail and he left me in jail with nothing. Then he posted my domestic issues all over craigslist so i fail in my business.. this guy was my employee who me and my wife trusted but he took advantage of me going to jail and when the judge dismissed my charges he already sold my car, suv, boats and jet skis. I was stupid and yes i admit im not perfect but i never just lived of scames as jeremy piece of shittt ... Just go online and look in california all of the shitt he has done... Would you take advantage of someone in trouble?????? Fuck you jeremy!!! The police know you sold all of our thingss without giving us anything... We are gonna spend every penni to led you take it in your rear!! We have many of your old friends too... Asshole son of a dogggggggg.... Thats who you are and yes my mo fo name is there... BE AWARE !!! He is ready for you to take you to the cleaners....

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con artist


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Who Scammed You Commenter
Nice job Oscar keep digging yourself in deeper.
Who Scammed You Commenter
Dismissed your charges? What's this then?
Never stole before? What's this?
"theft by deception" (that's what you do) another ugly mug. Funny.....huh? Why you use different names?
Isn't this you here on Probation for what you claimed was dismissed?
Probation that you working on fucking off?
You lying sack of shit.
Who Scammed You Commenter
Young man Oscar??? Looks like that arrest was less than a year ago. Although you did quite a job as a Oscar Luis Chavez Pulido Georgia and check out how many times this pricks been arrested. Your a fuck up. Period. Left you in jail? You can't get bail with an immigration hold stupid. Your story is as fishy as your gal.
Me.....ALL I DO IS WIN!!!

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