Post A Scam
Scam: #14160

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 11/06/2012
  • Severity: 10

jeremy fogleman

jeremy fogleman

fort walton beach, Florida, 32548

Yes jeremy shane fogleman always wins... He takes your things and comes up with great stories to take you to the cleaners.. hes done it to us and other people in fort walton florida, california and who knows where.. he is a genious on scaming you.. he really know how to get away with it.. he did it to us. BE AWARE! !

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jeremy fogleman jeremy fogleman


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Who Scammed You Commenter
Think you'll get deported this time Oscar? While you're sitting in jail in the near future, I hope you think of what you've brought upon yourself here.
Here's the guy writing this crap he uses many names.....wonder why???.......he's thief and pissed his scam backfired in his face and he wasn't able to pull one over on he has nothing to do but sit and wait for his P.O. to take him back to jail and sit there sick to his stomach over his rival doing what he only wishes he could do. Keep dreamin' Oscar. You'll never succeed with your work ethics.

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