fort lauderdale, Florida, 33065 TO 32060 LIVE OAK FLORIDA
LINDA RISDEN is at it again as she tries you cover her Fraud and Grand Thief. She has removed all her picture from www.SoFloridaHomes.Com hoping to prey on new clients that do see her name connected to the web site and she is attempting to use a New Name of Florida Real Estate Consultants after she fled South Florida in 2009 hiding from her Grand Thief of Clients Funds of over 80 plus clients. Ms. Risden she likes to call her self. The company was founded by her husband and the husbands family money and funds from the husband other companies. Ms. Risden has fled several other marriages and looting every thing she could on the way out of those marriages, But this time Linda K. Risden took it a step higher. after embezzling the couples business clients and the couples personal accounts she fled in the night fearing her arrest after charges were filed against her by the home owners association in Deerfield Beach Florida as the report was posted on line and also stated Credit card Fraud.
After Ms, Linda K. Risden Daughter " Bridget Lynn Massey " was arrested for her involvement for Felony grand Thief from yet another home owners association that she quickly plead guilty too. Ms. Risden fled town in the dark of the night, No Notice to her family or Husband in 2009 and was found weeks later in a small town of Live oak Florida where she married one Mr Craig Marvin Beaver... while she is still married to her husband of 23 years, Mrs Risden was found living in a trailer in the middle of the woods going by a different name to local and became a local "bar fly " bouncing from the little towns three plywood shack bars,. the honeymoon is over for Ms Risden or ms Beaver after the bigamist husband tossed her out and know she is broke and has destroyed her life and career all for a few bucks just like her daughter Bridget Lynn Massey for her grand thief, Ms Massey had all her licenses stripped for life and received a 10 year sentence of house arrest as her home sit in foreclosure and her life is total destroyed... Like Mother : like Daughter, Ms Risden has Now fled to Georgia as she claims to be a south Florida Realtor....she is such a scamer....just like her daughter Bridget Lynn Massey who is now turned into a total Crack Head.
any-one who does business with Linda K Risden or Mrs Beaver is her next victim.