Post A Scam
Scam: #14169

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 11/07/2012
  • Severity: 10

jeremy fogleman

scam artist

orangeville, California, 95662

Jeremy fogleman the winner of all times is by far a great person who knows how to pull scams .. i am happy to see that others are doing this to you because you are right you have been doing this all of your life .. your youtube videos shows that you keep on doing the same to others.. you did it to my wife in a way that you took her things too. From the people of california a big fuck you.... I am hoping to see you in jail to make sure you stay there this time asshole..

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Who Scammed You Commenter
;-) Buckskin Ct. Englewood?
Who Scammed You Commenter
Are you that fucking stupid Oscar? That you don't see it's obvious the same fool is writing this stuff? No one is as fucking dumb as you get a life and a job and a wife and kids of your own and stop envying mine. With integrity and hard work you can try and be like me too. I don't think you have it in you.


Thanks to you Oscar my videos are nearing 1,000 hits. Thanks for the first post you put on here that inspired me.

Keep hatin' your girls a whore all it took was a few drinks @ T.G.I.F.'s to see that "palm tree" shake. Eric will be nailing her next if he isn't already. That's probably him you taste. Thought she was so salty/fishy cuz she goes to the beach so much. Nope it's all of us. Ask her if she's still got that picture of my #@$%. Anyways I know it's stamped in her brain. Cuz I did plenty 'o stampin'. Check her email around May 5, 2011. I'm a MONSTER huh? FOGLEMAN RULES!!!
It's in the genes.
Who Scammed You Commenter
By the way you fucking're from California???? It's spelled Orangevale not Orangville stupid O-R-A-N-G-E-V-A-L-E 95662 to be exact.....didn't we talk about your spelling in an earlier post??? For the people watching these posts laughing at this idiot search Oscar Chavez on here and check out the other posts. Look at this puke's wrap sheet. Fucking hilarious....and this guy keeps asking for more. Guy's to stupid to realize the jokes on him.

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