Oscar Chavez
Oscar Chavez is Sarah CHEATING ON YOU Again?
Palmetto, Florida, 32241
Hey Oscar did you see that Sarah has another new Facebook page? Sarah A Arthur. Yes it's true just like I told you about Cisco and the internet romances. Looks like she's trying to connect with her old friends. Think shes planning for the near future? Check it out for yourself > https://www.facebook.com/#!/saraha.arthur.75?fref=ts
Remember you have to be logged in to see it dumbass. Looks like she became friends with Kevin G. on 10/13. Isn't that the cop she was bangin' before? Look below for a picture of her he put on his FB on 10/21 here's the link for you enjoy....
I think she thinks you dumber than I think you are......that's sad.....look at this quote from the page your aloud to see "I am a very happy person who is very lucky to have a great man as my husband. I am blessed with being able to buy whatever I want . My hubby spoils me and I love it. I love my house and my car." yeah right.....happy??? Doesn't appear so. Also who owns a Porsche and doesn't know how to spell it???
https://www.facebook.com/sarah.arthur.393?ref=ts&fref=ts#!/photo.php?fbid=112866912191156&set=a.112847808859733.22051.100004035445434&type=3&theater Not you POSER!!! How long did you have to wait for the owner to step away to snap the shot?
Hey Kevin likes your dog Bo too see> https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.105671816259740.13261.100004507658343&type=3#!/photo.php?fbid=108479369312318&set=a.105671816259740.13261.100004507658343&type=3&theater
Looks like he'll give your dog a good home when you're in the can. Better than you did on your last dog locking it in your unpaid for apartment while you run from the law.(I'm still counting on you helping me win the pool);-0
Look at the smile on Cisco's face below.....that looks to me like a man who just........well....you know.