Post A Scam
Scam: #14194

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 11/09/2012
  • Severity: 10

jeremy fogleman

con artist

fort walton beach, Florida, 32548

Dont lie jeremy. You really believe on your lies. Woah.. no one sold you shit you forged sarahs signature with your wife. If you didnt why would people call us to help them get the real titles for the boats and toureg. You are really the best con artist ever known with no feelings for anyone but your pig ass.... All of those cars you have on video arent yours . You live on a dream dudde.. i make money with my hands. People respect me not like you. That why im no afraid of you posting my pictures cus i never been convicted of any crime other than the fight with my wife. And thats it. You in the other hand cant even go out.. even the cops know you by the way you scamed me. You are not gonna hur us by posting anything. Dont be mad just wait for it.. scamer...scamer... Scamer...

Scam Images

con artist con artist


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Who Scammed You Commenter
Once again Oscar Chavez has woke up cold, lonely and bitter over his failures. I bet Sarah's keeping warm next to someone else's balls right now. He saw me as a mark....but when he couldn't pull off his scam, he got pissed, now he has nothing to do but wait for his P.O. to pick him up. search Oscar Chavez on here to see this miserable pricks own demise. Also while your there look at all his mugshots.....also look at the dozen or arrest he's had. Remember that I was the one who called the cops? Get your stories did you sale me stuff......did I just take it,.....did I forge anything???? Don't think so. Also keep in mind I still have the DVR recording from the condo where we did our deal.....I'd post it on YouTube but I'll need it for court if your ass ever stays in one place long enough. Oscar if you truly believe you didn't screw me, sue know I got a countersuit for your ass. Anyone want to check call the Owner of Blue Water Bay in Niceville, Florida Brett H. and ask him about Gianni ferretti aka Oscar "The Grouch" Chavez of Destin Boats and Seadoos. Damn Oscar you keep getting clowned and then asking for least your finally winning at something LOSING......HaHa.....Looks like you made the top 10..... ME......ALL I DO IS WIN!!!!!

Shining Bright Like A Diamond
You can't fake "The Real Deal"
Oscar's mad cuz he's riding the bus
......LOSER.....quit hatin' try congatulatin'........quit envying my family and get one of your own. You never wil though,huh? Lonely miserable little man. Bless your heart.
Who Scammed You Commenter
Keep working on the spelling.
Who Scammed You Commenter
Like I told you before there are 2 m's in scammed, scholar. If you're having trouble still it's written all over this site. They also have a thing called a dictionary. It tells you how what a word means and how to spell it correctly. There should be one there at the library where your hustling your internet from, since you never pay your bills and can't get credit to have internet or even a nice phone. While your there look up FAILURE....sound familar? Try FELON too? Describes you to the T again! This is fun,huh? Also try LONELY....awwwww.... that's you too ;-)
and finally SWINDLER......sounds just like you too Oscar Gianni. Since you're such a dumbass I went ahead and defined them for you below......Enjoy!!! KissMyAss!!!! ALL I DO IS WIN!!!
Main Entry: Failure
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: person who does not succeed
Synonym: bankrupt, beat*, born loser, bum, castaway, deadbeat, defaulter, derelict, disappointment, dud, flop, good-for-nothing, has-been, incompetent, insolvent, loafer, loser , lumpy, might-have-been, moocher, no-good, nobody, nonperformer, prodigal, turkey, underachiever, washout

Main Entry: Felon
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: criminal
Synonyms: con, convict, delinquent, ex-con, jailbird, lawbreaker, lifer, loser*, malefactor, offender, outlaw, yardbird

Main Entry: Lonely
Part of Speech: adjective
Definition: feeling friendless, forlorn
Synonyms: abandoned, alone, apart, by oneself, comfortless, companionless, deserted, desolate, destitute, disconsolate, down, empty, estranged, forsaken, godforsaken, homeless, isolated, left, lone, lonesome, outcast, reclusive, rejected, renounced, secluded, single, solitary, troglodytic, unattended, unbefriended, uncherished, unsocial, withdrawn
Notes: lonely adds to solitary a suggestion of longing for companionship, while lonesome heightens the suggestion of sadness; forlorn and desolate are even more isolated and sad.

Main Entry: Swindler
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: person who cheats another
Synonyms: absconder, charlatan, cheat, cheater, chiseler, clip, con artist, confidence artist, counterfeiter, crook, deceiver, defrauder, dodger, double-dealer, falsifier, five finger discounter,forger, four-flusher, fraud, gouger, grifter, Gianni Ferretti, impostor, mechanic, mountebank, operator, Oscar Chavez ,rascal, rook, scammer , scoundrel, shark, sharp, sharper, slicker, thief, trickster

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