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Scam: #14197

Scam Alert


  • Posted By: Anonymous
  • Submitted: 11/11/2012
  • Severity: 9

Oscar Chavez

Oscar Chavez Tops The Charts as The Biggest Loser!!!

Palmetto, Florida, 32241

Poor Oscar Chavez aka Gianni Ferretti of Palmetto boats and Seadoos & Deatin Boats and Seadoos is a fuck up from birth. He and his fake ex wife Sarah Arthur decided to bad mouth some one for doing nothing but good for him.....then you like that clown? It blew up in your face!!!You're finally winning at something got the top 10 charts sewed up on here...even passed up Tom Walker who you were also bad mouthing along with Jeremy Fogleman......all because you wanted to push someone's button over your own failures......if you were selling records you be rich. Want a good laugh? Search Oscar Chavez or Sarah Arthur on here and look what this poor illiterate prick brought upon want to post, post after post about a good guy when you're the puke....I don't think so.....wanna bad mouth my wife and kids....I don't think so O. i'm a winner born and bred. I beat you again at your own game. You just can't do this to someone for not letting you get away with ripping them off. See? See what you did to yourself?What the fuck were you thinking back 8/22/12 with the first post? Stupid little boy. Remeber these words......."When a man is in the right he can't be stopped, he'll just keep on coming." What do you think Sarah's doing tonight??? or should I say who's she's doing???

Scam Images

Oscar Chavez Tops The Charts as The Biggest Loser!!! Oscar Chavez Tops The Charts as The Biggest Loser!!! Oscar Chavez Tops The Charts as The Biggest Loser!!! Oscar Chavez Tops The Charts as The Biggest Loser!!!


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